Avoid Making Common Furniture Placement Mistakes

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Avoid Making Common Furniture Placement Mistakes

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Your room, your rules. To many extents this is true. After all, you’re the one that lives in the space, and you need to feel comfortable. However, if you share your home with others or like having friends visit, then you may need to think about how to create the best possible space for everyone.
One area that you really need to think about is the placement of your furniture.
Lack of Definition
Furniture shouldn’t look like it has simply been dumped into a room, even if it is laid out exactly the way you want it. You need to create definition and the most effective way to do this is to use rugs. Good-quality beige rugs from missamara.com can be placed in front of sofas and other chairs to create a cozy seating area. This encourages people to get comfy and chat.
Separate rugs can be used to create other areas in the same room or throughout the house. Beige is always a good color choice as it will go with any color scheme you choose. That means you can’t change it as often as you want.
Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that many people make is not considering scale. Huge furniture never looks big in the store, but it always looks fantastic. However, put it in your small room and the furniture overpowers the room.
Equally, small and skinny furniture can look insufficient in a large room or one with tall ceilings.
Excessive Number Of items
If you regularly have friends over or love having a choice of seats you may want to indulge in several sofas and chairs. This is okay if your room can handle it. But if you have several and an array of other items your room will quickly look cluttered. There is nothing good about having a chaotic space.
Opting For Size
This may sound strange but if you push your furniture against the walls to make a room feel larger, it can feel like you have to shout to each other to chat. That’s not relaxing or conducive to the feel of the room.
In other words, think about how you use the room before you place your furniture, and you’ll get the right positions for each item. Creating a cozy chatting area is always a good thing.
Blocking Windows
Light from the window makes every room look and feel larger and brighter. Blocking the window makes no sense as you reduce light and do not make the most of any view. It’s a definite no.
Forgetting To Zone
Many modern homes are open plan and, as such, need to be separated into different zones. This ensures you have areas for relaxing, cooking, eating, etc. If you fail to zone your home there will be no flow and it will be difficult to use each section as intended.
Final Thoughts
Positioning furniture is a difficult task as you need to balance the size of the furniture with the flow of the room and how you use it. But, the good news is that you can change the layout as frequently as you like until you find the perfect placement for your furniture.


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