Artaic Relocating to The Boston Design Center

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Artaic Relocating to The Boston Design Center

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Artaic – Innovative Mosaic, designers and fabricators of custom, award-winning mosaic tile-work, has upgraded its already state-of-the-art headquarters to now be located at the nucleus of New England’s Architectural & Design Community, The Boston Design Center.
“We’re extremely thrilled about our new location,” beamed Dr. Ted Acworth, CEO/Founder of Artaic. “First of all, we needed more space, as Artaic has been expanding at a rapid pace. And secondly, if there were one Boston-based address we’d prefer inhabiting, clearly it would be here at The BDC. From Day One at our new digs, we knew this was the right milieu for us; our people immediately could sense the strong, professional energy exuded by the vibrant A & D people who both work and visit this ‘epicenter of design in New England!’”
Artaic’s new facility includes the following departments: office, production, research & development, design and sales. The firm’s state-of-the-art showroom beautifully displays the firm’s cutting-edge, computer-driven/robotically-assembled mosaic creations from ceiling to floor in continuous, flowing designs.
“Our new workplace reflects who we are today… and, where we’re going in the future,” stated Acworth. “For example, our new showroom is a place where architects, designers and other key customers can not only meet and network… they can see Artaic’s robots in action firsthand, flawlessly putting mosaic creations together… hundreds of times faster than any human, anywhere, could possibly achieve.”
“This new 6,200 square foot facility more than doubles the space Artaic previously occupied. “We like to think of it as a combination designer showroom, gallery, R&D lab and manufacturing facility, Acworth concluded.”
The new address is:
1 Design Center Place, Suite 644 Boston, MA 02210
“Artaic is a progressive company with a future-focused approach to mosaic tile that seamlessly balances technology and design in the unique service they provide,” declared Kristan McLaughlin, General Manager, Leasing & Partnerships, JAMESTOWN, L.P. (management firm of The Boston Design Center) Their collaborative and innovative approach will be a perfect fit within our design community at the Boston Design Center where visitors come to find the best in home design.”
About Artaic
Artaic uses robotic technology and innovative design tools, to customize and fabricate award-winning tile mosaics. As a synergetic resource for the architectural and design community, Artaic melds modern technology with a historical art form and empowers modern-day industry leaders to produce compelling mosaics for any size project. Using their mosaic software, Tylist™, Artaic enables its skilled, in-house designers to perfectly work with robotic manufacturing systems, making the process of mosaic customization seamless, flexible and cost efficient. Artaic has transformed the industry; making custom mosaics simply beautiful. For more information, visit
Julia Kohn, Marketing Coordinator – ARTAIC – Innovative Mosaic
Phone: 617.418.1928 Email:


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