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Arriscraft, manufacturer of naturally-made products that emulate quarried stone, has released a comprehensive, consumer-focused video and launched a newly redesigned website, providing consumers, homebuilders and commercial customers with improved access to the product line and its unique benefits.
“Our new site has been redesigned to be more intuitive and mobile responsive than previous versions. And with its upgrades, the website offers quick access to product information, as well as many creative ideas for consumers and designers looking to incorporate our premium stone products,” says Marta Zonneveld, Marketing Manager. “We are excited to reintroduce our website and use it as a key tool for informing and inspiring homeowners, architects and designers.”
The new website,, showcases improved galleries for both residential and commercial projects. “We’re proud of our high-quality photography, and believe it gives visitors to our site excellent examples of just what can be done with our product lines,” added Zonneveld. Arriscraft has integrated social media share options throughout the site, which is a key planning and research tool for both consumers using Pinterest or professional designers who use other platforms to gather and share design ideas. 
Arriscraft continues to provide arguably the industry’s best online technical resources. The upgraded website includes the full architectural library of brochures, CADD details, hatch patterns and seamless texture files, masonry instructions, technical bulletins, spec and data sheets, plus a growing library of instructional videos. A top-level search function now allows commercial customers simple routes to Arriscraft’s deep product offering, with robust product details (including specs, literature links, gallery access and more) delivered with each search. A dedicated Dealer Login provides instant access for the company’s broad North American network.
Arriscraft manufactures a vast range of premium stone for commercial and residential projects, including full-bed Renaissance® Masonry Units and Building Stone, Thin-Clad adhered and clipped veneers, Adair® Limestone, and cast accessories. Designers can select from a truly comprehensive line of styles – from old-world to contemporary – in natural colours, with custom applications available.
Headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario (62 miles/100 km west of Toronto), Arriscraft is the stone products group of General Shale, North America’s largest brick, stone and concrete block manufacturer, supplying a wide variety of masonry materials for residential, commercial and specialty architectural projects.
Throughout the U.S. and Canada, General Shale operates manufacturing facilities in nine states and provinces, in addition to a network of 31 distribution centers across the United States. General Shale was founded in 1928 and is headquartered in Johnson City, Tennessee.
For more information about General Shale, visit For more information about Arriscraft, visit or contact Arriscraft at 800-265-8123 or send us a request at


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