Apptricity 20-Mile Bluetooth Beacon for Construction Firms

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Apptricity 20-Mile Bluetooth Beacon for Construction Firms

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Apptricity’s new 20-Mile Ultra Long-Range Bluetooth beacon has made an impact on the technology world and it is now being utilized as a solution for the construction industry. This new Bluetooth, from the Apptricity Advanced Development Group, is the longest-ranging secure connection on the market, with the ability to transmit data up to 20 miles.
Ultea Long Range Bluetooth from Apptricity
Ultea Long Range Bluetooth from Apptricity
“Our new 20-Mile Ultra Range Bluetooth is the perfect solution for construction projects,” says Tim Garcia, CEO of Apptricity. “Many of our global customers were struggling with the costs of tracking their expensive on-site equipment, as well as all of the vehicles coming in and out of their project. The cost of satellite tags or LTE tags becomes prohibitive, especially with all of the equipment that needs to be tracked.
One of our first customers, Endeavor, has sites outside of LTE coverage, and couldn’t afford the cost of satellites.  In fact, our solution was 90% less than their alternatives.”
The Ultra Long-Range Bluetooth Beacon is also highly configurable. Versions can be created with or without GPS, multiple battery options exist to extend life, encryption options are available, the signal can be tuned for energy savings, and other capabilities can be adjusted to create a bespoke solution for your enterprise.
If you have a project with equipment, people, or inventory that needs to be tracked and managed, Apptricity’s Ultra Long-Range Bluetooth is the perfect solution.  With a lower cost, longer distance, and a more configurable solution, we can help you reduce costs and increase security at even the most hard to reach sites.
About Apptricity
The leader in global real-time asset management, Apptricity provides continuous asset tracking and supply chain solutions with the most clear, accurate, and dependable asset monitoring and data intelligence available. We place our clients at the center of all we do, providing them with uninterrupted access to mission critical information in real time.
For more information, visit Apptricity at or on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


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