All You Need to Know About Ship AC Maintenance

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All You Need to Know About Ship AC Maintenance

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Maintaining your marine AC proves to have various benefits, including the prevention of problems that may disrupt your vacation or yacht ride. Apart from this, you also get to maintain the battery life as well as the fuel efficiency of your ship. The best part is that with a properly maintained marine AC, you get to use it for a longer time, preventing the need for any premature system replacement. This article tackles the things that you need to know about marine AC maintenance.

Leverage the Services of Professionals

While there are several things that you can perform on your own, it is still a good idea to leave the maintenance of your marine AC in the hands of the professionals. In this way, you are guaranteed that every little aspect of your marine air conditioning system is checked properly. Not only will they perform the standard operating processes when it comes to your boat’s AC maintenance, but they will also be able to detect potential problems that may surface later on and perform preventive measures as necessary.

Maintain a Clean Air Filter and Sea Strainer

One of the primary things that you can do on your own to maintain the AC of your yacht is to ensure that its air filter and sea strainer are kept clean. Like with the AC installed in your home, the AC of your boat can accumulate dust too, hindering cold air from coming out of your system. Rest assured that cleaning the air filter of your boat’s AC is quite effortless. All you need to do is to wash it under running water, especially if the dust buildup is already significant. You can also do the same with your AC’s sea strainer.

Focus on your Condenser Unit and Evaporator Coils

Another thing that you can do when it comes to the maintenance of your boat’s AC is to focus on its condenser unit as well as its evaporator coils. The condenser unit of your AC is exposed to seawater, which is why you should inspect it periodically. In this way, you will be able to notice any adverse effects on the unit immediately. As much as possible, get in touch with the professionals to have your condenser unit chemically flushed annually.
Alongside this, you should also take the time to inspect the evaporator coils of your boat’s AC. In case your unit fails to cool down your boat sufficiently, then there may be a problem with its evaporator coils. Make sure to have these coils checked by professionals annually too.

Make sure that the AC of your boat is maintained properly to lengthen its lifespan. As much as possible, leave the maintenance to the hands of the professionals, although there are also several things that you can do to foster its longevity. For instance, you can ensure that its air filter, as well as its sea strainer, are kept clean. You should also flush the condenser unit and inspect the evaporator coils from time to time. All these are geared towards ensuring that your boat’s AC is fully functional at all times.


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