AABC Installs New Officers & Directors 2020-2022

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AABC Installs New Officers & Directors 2020-2022

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The Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) installed new Officers and Directors for 2020-2022 during its 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, which coincided with 55th anniversary of the organization’s founding as the original association dedicated to testing, adjusting and balancing.
“I’m proud to represent AABC, an association with a long and distinguished history in the HVAC industry,” said newly elected president Mike Kelly, of American Testing Inc. in Baltimore, MD. “AABC has put many exciting new programs in place over the past few years under the leadership of BJ Link, and I look forward to building on that work and continuing to ensure AABC’s place as the premiere association of certified test and balance professionals.” (A complete listing of the Board of Directors is provided below.)
Since 1965, AABC has maintained stringent membership requirements that ensure its members’ independence, objectivity, integrity, and technical expertise. To this day, AABC’s foremost objective is to safeguard the reputation, competence, and independence of the Council and the TAB profession. Efforts to promote state-of-the-art TAB procedures and services through technical papers and other publications led to the development of the AABC National Standards; the industry’s first ANSI-accredited comprehensive standards for field measurement and instrumentation. Learn more about AABC certifications, AIA-approved TAB Journal, and technical webinars.
Michael S. Kelly
American Testing Inc.
Executive Vice President
Gaylon Richardson
Engineered Air Balance Co., Inc.
Douglas R. Meacham
Kahoe Air Balance Company
Vice President/Eastern Zone-1
Brian G. Venn
Mechanical Testing, Inc.
Vice President/Central Zone-2
Josh Green
Environmental Test & Balance
Vice President/Western Zone-3
Robert Kolnes
Immediate Past President
Benjiman J. Link
United Testing & Balancing, Inc.
Director, Canadian Chapter
Tony Mohammed
Air Movement Services, Ltd.


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