A First-Timer’s Guide To Renting A Storage Unit

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A First-Timer’s Guide To Renting A Storage Unit

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Renting extra storage is a relatively common solution for most Americans and for a variety of reasons. In fact, a recent survey has revealed that more than 11% of all households in the country rent a storage unit. The most frequently stored item is furniture, with roughly 1 of 3 people choosing to place these items in storage. Also, the most frequently cited reason for renting a storage unit is moving. Lack of adequate space in their homes and downsizing come in second and third.

Presently, all over the US, there are close to 53,000 storage units. Interestingly, that number is higher than the total retail outlets of Starbucks and McDonalds combined. Of these units, one of the highest concentrations is in Houston, Texas. Given the size of the city and its growing popularity, a fact that is supported by the hundreds of people moving here each year, a large number of storage units are essential to cater to increasing demand and needs.

Are you a first-time renter? Here is everything that you need to know about renting a storage space:

What is the purpose of a storage unit?

Storage units are designed to address a number of needs. They act as mediums that hold a lot of stuff that doesn’t find a place in people’s homes. At the same time, while moving to a different place, relocating to a smaller home, or decluttering the current home, storage units can come in handy. If you reside in Texas, you can easily look up storage units Houston TX to find some of the best possibilities available around you.

A lot of people have different uses for their storage units. Some can also turn it into a temporary holding location for items that are required seasonally, for instance, winter clothing and essentials. Other times, people put their furniture that they’ve replaced but don’t want to get rid of yet in these spaces. You can find your own distinct use for the unit that you are renting because it is all about personal preferences. If the storage unit is large enough, you can even park cars in them.

Types of storage units

While storage units are available in a wide variety of sizes, there are two main types that they can be classified in. These include:

  • Self-storage locations

These facilities provide a cost-effective, safe method to store household things as well as bulkier items like cars and even boats. Customers who use self-storage must transport their own things to the storage unit and also pick up stuff themselves when they want to retrieve it.

Since self-storage businesses do not track what is inside a storage unit, customers should take pictures of their possessions. In addition, self-storage is frequently less expensive than full-service storage, which makes it more appealing to people on a tight budget. Self-storage is generally considered more secure because only you can access the contents kept inside.

  •  Full-service storage

A full-service storage facility gives its clients a valet-style service. This means that you just call up the service provider, and they offer a complete end-to-end service to you. An essential component of full-service storage is that the provider picks up and transfers your possessions to the storage space. The consumer can frequently request and arrange a pickup or return immediately from their smartphone with many full-service storage facilities.

The additional burden of needing to deliver items to the storage facility can be avoided by using a full-service storage business. Numerous full-service facilities will photograph and catalog your possessions as well. This way, you can just look at a picture or review your digital inventory list if you forget what’s in storage. However, with full-service storage, you need to research extensively to ensure the business is professional, reliable, and well-reputed.

Which type of storage unit to choose?

For most people, self-storage is preferable over full-service storage. There are numerous reasons behind this decision. For starters, they tend to be more affordable. For example, the average cost of renting a self-storage unit in Houston is only about $100. These spaces are also much easier to use because you have full access; you don’t have to rely on third-party schedules if you want to put or remove something from the unit urgently.

The problem with self-storage units arises when you either have to move a large number or a single huge item. Also, if you happen to live in a crowded city or have a schedule where you are hard-pressed for time, even on the weekends, full-service storage offers you a convenient choice. Since these storage spaces can pick up and transport all kinds of items to your unit for you, you can technically be anywhere in the world and order the things to be moved without any hassle.

Finding a storage unit

You can locate a storage unit that fits your needs in several ways. Firstly, you can ask for recommendations from people who use these spaces or services themselves. You also have the option to browse social media pages and groups from the relevant information.

The best way is to find a reliable digital portal that offers consolidated information about all the service providers in your area. These platforms are uniquely designed with access to an extensive database that may cater to a specific town, city, or state. You must know the website or application you are searching for is reliable. You can easily find a comprehensive resource online and get to searching as well as comparing different businesses and locations to evaluate the choices before making a final decision. Vetting and research are important because you want your items to remain safe in storage.

How to rent a storage space?

Renting storage spaces has become relatively straightforward these days. Start by determining your needs and the type and size of storage unit you require while also deciding on a budget threshold. Once you have these parameters in mind, search the internet for locations that fit the bill. When you find what you are looking for, get in touch with the business, sign a contract, and voila. You now own a storage unit.


Storage units are necessary possessions for most households in the US. However, performing thorough research before settling on a particular space that satisfies all your needs is important. After all, you don’t want to put your belongings in a place where they’re not safe.

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