MORIN announces additions of Held, Mohr

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MORIN announces additions of Held, Mohr

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Morin, A Kingspan Group Company, announced the addition of two regional sales managers.
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Jeff Held was named MORIN Regional Sales Manager Rocky Mountains and Bob Mohr was named MORIN Regional Sales Manager NorthWest.
Held’s experience in the metal-in-construction industry comes from serving in positions as regional sales manager, technical sales manager, business development manager and operations manager with several companies. “With over 30 years’ experience in the industry, Jeff is a great addition to the MORIN team,” says Matt Martino, VP of Sales/Marketing. “We selected Jeff because on day one, he successfully delivers the knowledge, experience and credibility that this growing market so strongly needs.”
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Mohr has 25 years of sales, project management and design success for Fortune 100 corporations, commercial dealerships and leading commercial architectural firms, and is a respected design consultant for complex projects that integrate a wide range of building products.
“MORIN has made a commitment to servicing the architectural community and Bob’s capability and skills will affirm that,” Martino says. “With more than 20 years’ experience as a practicing architect in some of Seattle’s largest firms, Bob brings the unique ability to speak to the building envelope from a perspective of the person across the table as well as to how those material selections affect the greater vision and design of the entire structure.”
About Morin, A Kingspan Group Company
Morin, a Kingspan Group Company, is one of the industry’s most versatile manufacturers of single element metal wall and roof panel systems. With production facilities in Bristol, CT, Deland, FL and Fontana, CA, MORIN has a combined production capacity of over 50 million square feet, fabricating metal panels in more than 75 different profiles. MORIN Single Element panels are 100 percent recyclable and meet the requirements for the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating System. MORIN’s nationwide sales network and in-house technical service teams are dedicated to providing innovative solutions for today’s progressive architecture. Visit to access profiles, specifications, CAD details, load span charts and technical manuals.


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