Furnish a First Apartment, 4 Tips to Optimize Space

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Furnish a First Apartment, 4 Tips to Optimize Space

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A question you may be asking yourself right now is: “but how do I furnish my first apartment?”.  We the team of al-noor orchard have brought a handful of ideas for you. So, keep reading and check out the useful tips. 


The first point to think about “my first apartment” is to define what each of the residents wants and what each one’s needs are and what may be priorities at this time. For example, if one of the residents works from home, preparing the home office in a comfortable way is essential. 

In addition, it is important to analyze which points are family preferences. For example, is having a cozy room a higher priority than preparing the kitchen? This helps guide which items should be viewed first. 


The home environment needs to be comfortable for all residents and this also involves thinking about the style of decoration that is most common to everyone. For example, you might like a more modern style, relying on geometric lines and colors, and other people like more neutral tones. 

Identifying this, it is possible to find a middle ground, which allows everyone to find ways to feel contemplated. For example, you can create ways to reconcile styles, find compromises, create an environment with each style. In short, this will all be discussed between you. It is important that everyone feels that this is a welcoming home for them. 


Another important point you should consider is the functionality of the rooms. After all, in addition to being beautiful, they need to meet your daily demands. At ehsas program you have the opportunity to design your home according to your taste without any setbacks. It’s no use if you cannot keep the place organized on a daily basis because you can’t keep the necessary pieces nearby for your activities. For example, having a beautiful kitchen.  

Therefore, it is important to align style, beauty, and functionality in your daily life. With that, your interaction at home can be more comfortable. Interesting, isn’t it? 


Another important point to furnish your first apartment and combine quality, functionality and beauty is to choose custom furniture. When you opt for this possibility, you can request items that really are in agreement with all the points we talked about before. 
For example, if you want a desk with a matte finish that is functional and is suitable for the space you have to create the home office in, the company can create the item according to your need. With that, your first apartment will definitely look the way you want it to! 

However, to have this expected result when thinking about “my first apartment”, it is essential to have two important supporters: a specialized professional (architect or designer), who can create a project that is the way you want to. The second is to have a store that is specialized and incredible in this type of production. 
For that, count on Tajarat . Our mission is to make your dream come true, bring quality furniture with excellence and create the best environments. 
And one of the environments that we are most concerned about when planning our first apartment is the kitchen, isn’t it? Read our article and see 7 colors you can use to make it cozier! 


Read more BELOW


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