BIM Collaboration Model for Vectorworks Users

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BIM Collaboration Model for Vectorworks Users

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Press Release: BIM Collaboration Format, Simplified Geometry MVD Enhance Vectorworks User Experience
Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc., a global design software developer, has announced new functionalities for its Vectorworks 2015 line of design software including the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) Importer and the Simplified Geometry Model View Definition (MVD). These two features are part of Service Pack 3, which also includes other improvements.
BCF Importer
The new BCF Importer allows users to read BCF files from collaborators to view project model issues directly within the context of the Vectorworks model. Now users can review and resolve issues that may require changes to the architectural model without having to switch between Vectorworks and another application.
Simplified Geometry MVD
The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema is evolving to accommodate many different user configurations and levels of detail. To meet the expanding needs of users, Vectorworks software now offers an additional IFC export option for defining the model view. The Simplified Geometry MVD allows Vectorworks users to export IFC files optimized for other software programs that can only import a limited set of simple geometry types.
Additionally, a new option called “Export Walls/Slabs by components” has been added to the Export IFC Project dialog box. This option optimizes the export of IFC files for use by estimating software such as BIM2COST. These improvements increase interoperability between BIM software applications, as well as enhance communication among design disciplines.
“As the adoption of Open BIM workflows continues to increase among our users, we continue to develop new functionality to enable architects to collaborate in a flexible way and communicate using their Vectorworks building information model,” said Jeremy Powell, director of global product marketing at Nemetschek Vectorworks. “The Simplified Geometry MVD and BCF Importer allow for more flexibility and interoperability between Vectorworks software and other programs.”
In addition to the new functionalities, Service Pack 3 includes these improvements:

  • Improved performance with high resolution monitors such as the 5K Retina iMac
  • Improved default data supplied when exporting to IFC
  • Improved support when exporting PDF/A-1b files with the Publish command

Service Pack 3 is available for all licenses as a downloadable updater. To install it, click here or access the “About Vectorworks” dialog box from the “Vectorworks” menu (Mac users) or select “Check for Updates” from the “Help” menu (Windows users).
About Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc.
Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. is the developer of Vectorworks software, a line of industry-specific CAD and BIM solutions that allow designers to easily capture, develop and communicate their ideas with accuracy and efficiency. With more than half a million users around the world, Vectorworks software is a global leader in 3D design technologies for the AEC, landscape and entertainment industries. Nemetschek Vectorworks was founded in 1985 and has been a part of The Nemetschek Group since its acquisition in 2000.
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