Elemental LED’s C-Level Expansion & Growth Trajectory

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Elemental LED’s C-Level Expansion & Growth Trajectory

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Elemental LED Inc., a leading U.S. manufacturer of linear LED lighting and related products, announced two internal promotions at the senior executive level.“Paul Irwin and Andrew Yanev have been instrumental in raising the revenue and profile of our company. Their increased influence will accelerate Elemental LED’s market share and leadership within the industry,” said Randy Holleschau, CEO of Elemental LED.Paul Irwin, Chief Revenue Officer and EVP Customer ExperienceMr. Irwin drives the sales strategy and execution of Diode LED, the most popular tape light brand in the United States. He also leads Elemental LED’s Customer Experience teams, which are known for providing exceptional, comprehensive service.“I’m excited to harness the potential of our teams to exceed the expectations of our customers,” said Paul. “I’m looking forward to building upon many of the strong customer relationships we have in the industry and expanding our reach even further.”Andrew Yanev, Chief Marketing Officer and EVP ProductMr. Yanev leads Marketing and Product Management, as well as Specification Sales jointly with Paul Irwin. This includes Lucetta, Elemental LED’s specification division.“The opportunity ahead of us is vast and we are well positioned to deliver,” said Andrew. “Our brands Lucetta and Diode LED are leaders in their categories. Despite global supply chain challenges, we are maintaining our rapid ship times, transitioning more manufacturing to Reno, and keeping inventory levels high to ensure we can always deliver for our customers.”
About Elemental LED:Elemental LED is a technology company that engineers, manufactures, and sells linear lighting solutions through the Lucetta and Diode LED brands. Based in Reno, Nevada, the company supports lighting innovation around the globe. U.S.-based operations include product engineering, manufacturing, sales, and customer service and support. The company holds patents in diverse fields including optics, LED light engines, electrical circuitry, power, digital control systems, and related components.


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