Calpipe Security Bollards™ Completes New Website

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Calpipe Security Bollards™ Completes New Website

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Calpipe Security Bollards™, a leading U.S. manufacturer of high security, architectural and safety bollards, announces the launch of its new website The new website expands its resource center content with monthly updates regarding industry news and regulation overviews, in addition to a new media center comprised of PDF catalogs, high quality video and image access, and links to CAD drawings. The informative new website is easy to navigate due to its custom search function, its clean layout, and visually appealing color scheme.
New features and tools include a resources page that is organized by content type and provides downloads of high-resolution PDFs of press releases and literature, as well as videos and industry resources. Submittal sheets are available for all products and the comprehensive FAQ page addresses most conceivable questions an end-user may have. A spec sheet is integrated within each product page, giving browsers a quick reference for comparing and considering different bollard types when designing new projects. Whether you’re looking for safety or high security bollards, the web site is organized in a way that makes it easy for the user to get the exact information for which he/she is looking.
“In order to better serve our existing customers and service product information inquiries, Calpipe Security Bollards has overhauled its website with the end-user’s needs in mind,” said Dan Markus, President of Calpipe Industries “The website’s ease-of-use, up-to-date information, and attractive layout follows the Calpipe philosophy of addressing the needs of its customers with reliable, fast-to-ship solutions, and personalized customer service.”
For more than fifteen years, Calpipe Security Bollards has been manufacturing both crash-tested and field rated products in its Southern California facilities.  These bollards are a proven solution for use in all levels of government, public and pedestrian areas, and commercial projects. With just a few clicks, Calpipe’s expertise in bollard manufacturing and applications is available to project planners, architects, and engineers.
Visit the new Calpipe Security Bollards website at; Email or call (877) 283-8518
About Calpipe Security Bollards™: Calpipe Security Bollards, headquartered in Rancho-Dominguez, CA, is a division of Calpipe Industries™, and specializes in fixed, removable, lighted and retractable bollards made from carbon and stainless steel. Calpipe has a full range of products from simple industrial products to custom aesthetic designs and tested vehicle stopping bollards that are used for anti-terrorist or high-threat applications. For more information about Calpipe Security Bollards, visit our website at


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