Turner Construction Celebrates & Promotes Inclusion

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Turner Construction Celebrates & Promotes Inclusion

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The inaugural Construction Inclusion Week kicks off on Monday, October 18, 2021. Construction Inclusion Week provides five days of engagement to promote inclusion and enable conversations regarding diversity within the Construction Industry. The theme for the week is “Building the Foundation for Inclusion.”
Construction Inclusion Week invites every member of the construction industry to unite to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. More than 1,100 construction industry firms have signed up to participate on https://www.constructioninclusionweek.com. They have access to materials and resources that help foster conversations and bring awareness to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The resources enable construction companies of all sizes to plan targeted activities for their organization and trade partners.
By working together, learning from one another, and being consistent in commitments and actions towards maintaining a safe and inclusive work environment–free of harassment, hate, or bigotry of any kind – Construction Inclusion Week will encourage a positive change in the industry for generations of workers to come.
During Construction Inclusion Week, Turner will hold site-wide events and toolbox talks during the week to discuss Leadership Commitment and Accountability for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Unconscious Bias, Supplier Diversity, Jobsite Culture, and Community Engagement. Turner is also organizing events to connect with trade partners and underrepresented business enterprises to support supplier diversity.
Construction Inclusion Week is organized by Time for Change, a consortium of six general contractors that share the goal to identify ways to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the construction industry. The founding members of the consortium are Turner Construction Company, Gilbane Building Company, DPR Construction, Mortenson, McCarthy, and Clark Construction Group. Affiliated partners are Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Associated General Contractors (AGC), and Culture of Care.
Visit https://www.constructioninclusionweek.com to sign up and access valuable resources to bring awareness to diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts for job sites, teams, and companies.


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