Tips for a More Organized Home

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Tips for a More Organized Home

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Home organization is something many people strive for, but getting started can be overwhelming. After all, organizing an entire home is no small feat, especially for those who have never tended to be organized in their life. After years of living in a home, there’s a tendency to collect a lot of items, some of which may not even be needed anymore. Even though it can be a lot of work and it’s difficult for many people to know where to start, with a few tips, anyone can organize their house and start enjoying the home.  
Get Help from Professionals 
Not knowing where to begin is a common issue. If things are spread out throughout the house, it’s hard to know where to start because everything needs to be sorted and organized. Professionals often advise starting with one type of object, like clothing, and getting it all in one spot before going through it or tackling the issue one room at a time. It’s a good idea to pick one method and stick with it. If it still feels overwhelming or hard to start, there is help available. The key to  better home organization  for many people lies in getting professional help to get past the hurdle of getting started.  
Don’t Buy Anything Before Organizing 
One big mistake many people make is purchasing decorative or plastic containers to help with organization. If there’s a lot of work to be done, avoid making any purchases. Of course, there are tons of cute products that will help with organizing. Unfortunately, they may not actually help and can be a hindrance when trying to organize. The better way to do it is to see what is there and how much there is of certain types of objects that need to be stored together. Then, once everything is together and ready to be put away, look into storage containers that fit the items and the space.  

Keep, Donate, or Toss 
Cardboard boxes, the kind used for moving, are typically free and plentiful. If there aren’t any to be found for free, purchasing a few is okay, but avoid purchasing too many or using them long-term for storage. To start organizing, create three boxes – things to keep, things to donate, and things to toss. Once a box is full, take care of it. Don’t put it off. If the keep box is full, put the items in or near where they will go. If the donate or toss boxes are full, either donate the items or throw them away. Not sure what to do with an item? Think of it like moving. Before moving, it’s a good idea to downsize the number of items as much as possible so there’s less to pack and unpack. If the item wouldn’t make the cut and go on the moving truck, toss or donate it.  
 Getting organized is only the beginning. Keeping up with it is what takes a lot of work and will be needed far into the future. If you’re trying to get the house organized, these tips can help. If you still aren’t sure where to start or you don’t think it’s possible to tackle this on your own, professional help is available. Speak with a professional now to learn more about how they can get your house organized and how they can help you keep it organized.  


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