5 Tips to Prevent Breakdown When Moving Homes

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5 Tips to Prevent Breakdown When Moving Homes

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Moving homes can be a highly emotional and confusing process. On one hand, you and your family are excited to start a new life in a new home and ready to welcome more opportunities in your life. On the other, the process of packing and moving can become overwhelming at times. You must remember that it’s completely normal to feel confused, unguided, and inexperienced during the tedious process of moving, but we’re here to make it easier for you. Changing up your strategies and picking up smart tips can significantly improve the whole process and make it less strenuous. Most people make the mistake of only prioritizing the packing and unpacking of household items and overlook the other crucial aspects of a move. This negligence can make their exciting new home move a tumultuous event in their life with numerous problems resulting in a nervous breakdown. In that case, professionals advise certain tips that help you stay on track and de-stress during a move. With that said, let’s discuss 5 ways to prevent a mental and physical breakdown and ensure a seamless new home move.

  1. De-clutter Your Home

One of the first steps that you might want to take is to de-clutter your old home. De-cluttering your belongings is often neglected, but you’ll be surprised at how much it improves your moving process. People often associate sentimental value with their items and end up developing the habit of hoarding, which takes up unnecessary space in your home. In that case, you can use storage units to store the items you don’t use often and free up space in your house. If you reside around or move into Pierce County, several Bonney Lake storage units are to consider for your de-cluttering needs. Experts always advise traveling light during the move to a new home, which is why you should a few boxes aside full of things you don’t use anymore, to donate to charity. Not only does this give you the ease of travelling light, but it also opens door for new items to brighten up your new home.

  1. Make A Moving Checklist

You can never go wrong with creating a checklist to organize all the undone tasks and errands you need to run before moving to a new home. These tasks include de-cluttering, hiring movers, packing, transferring utilities, and more. Not only is this helpful for forgetful people to avoid problems later on in the move, being able to check off all the tasks in your list will also give you a rush of productivity and achievement. If the aspect of carrying around a sheet of your checklist seems outdated and tedious to you, you can simply type in your checklist in your phone and set reminders for different tasks. You can also create an excel sheet of your expenses and errands to keep everything organized.

  1. Start Early With Your Packing Plans

Undoubtedly, packing is the most essential part of moving, which is why it’s better to start early and ensure everything is in labeled boxes by the time it’s moving day. You have to make sure that, on move day, each room is empty and there are no belongings outside of the boxes. Experts recommend labelling the boxes to understand which box has the items for the specific rooms. For instance, if you are packing for kitchen stuff, you must label     the box to unpack it into your new home easily. Otherwise, you’ll end up having to open 20 boxes of items just to find the set of dishes for the first dinner in your new home. Another vital tip to consider is to avoid over-filling the boxes. You might be limited on the packing boxes, but over-packing can damage your household essentials. It’s an easier investment to buy a stock of cardboard boxes than having to repair a damaged TV or buy new ceramics.

  1. Collect The Paperwork

Taking care of the paperwork is a critical step you simply mustn’t overlook. In fact, we’d recommend getting this step out of the way before even packing your belongings. You must store all the documents for insurance, house, bills, and passports in separate files and label them for ease. This way, you will know where to find the documents whenever needed during or after moving home. You can also ensure the security your documents by creating digital copies on your mobile phone. This tip is especially helpful when you need to show any important documents to the authorities, in which case looking through several files and boxes isn’t the best option.

  1. Organize The Utilities

It’s no doubt that moving into a new home is a lengthy process. We would always recommend keeping the boxes packed a week before moving day so you have ample time for any extra tasks and errands. Transferring utilities are one of the essential moving activity before moving to your new house. Once you finalize the dates for the move, all you need to do is notify the utility service providers to transfer the services to your new home. 
With these tips and instructions in mind before you move homes, you can surely be confident on moving day and ensure a seamless move without any hurdles. If you find that you’ve missed a step, it’s important to take a step back and patiently work through the situation to avoid a nervous mistakes; only intelligent and cautious planning can give you your desired moving process. 


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