How to Save Floor Space as a Manufacturing Company

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How to Save Floor Space as a Manufacturing Company

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Manufacturing companies have many goals, including saving money, cutting down on time-wasting, and delivering high-quality products. Saving floor space can help with all of those things. Not only that but the more floor space you have, the more orderly and clean the workspace becomes. As a manufacturer owner/manager, it is your job to make sure every space is utilized correctly. Here is how to do that.

Consider New Equipment
Naturally, the equipment takes up a lot of warehouse space. It probably doesn’t need to take up as much as it does, though, especially if you’re using older equipment. By shopping around for new equipment that isn’t as bulky, you will quickly find you have more room to move (or install more equipment/offices). For example, if you are a chemical or food production company, getting tailored liquid blending systems can help save you floor space.

Reduce Aisle Width
Do your aisles have enough space for three people to comfortable stand side by side? If so, you’re probably using way too much space, and you’d benefit from making the aisles a little narrower. While you want to ensure workers are comfortable and don’t struggle when getting materials from the aisles, you also want to make sure you’re not losing out on space because of inefficient measuring.

Automate more Jobs
You might think more machines equal less space, but if you opt for more automation, you cut down on other space-hogging items as well as the number of staff you need. Plus, using a machine for a job rather than a bunch of people saves the company money on top of floor space.

Declutter and Clean Often
If you often end the working week with a huge stack of cardboard at one end of the floor and a bunch of “to sort” materials at the other, then the company would benefit from more regular declutters and cleans. Just think of the amount of space taken up by stuff that simply needs putting in its proper space!

Improve the Layout
To make more room in a warehouse, you must go back to the basics and reconsider the floor layout. While it might have been efficient when you first started, with all the changes that naturally occur in a business, the chances are it isn’t as space-friendly anymore. That new piece of equipment you bought last year? It might fit better on the other side of the space. By having an overall rejig of the layout, you create a more effective and organized warehouse.

Add Height to Your Storage
Storage is a huge contributor to the lack of floor space in a warehouse, so opt for storing your materials vertically rather than horizontally. Warehouses often have lots of height, so why not use that space? That way, you create more space for other necessities, such as office space and machines.

Saving floor space benefits all manufacturing companies. By using these methods, you’ll soon have more room on the shop floor.


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