Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Real Estate?

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Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Real Estate?

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The pandemic did not bring down the property prices in Australia. Every major city showed a rise in 2020, except Melbourne, by 3%. The regional markets housing values rose by 6.9%.
Real estate as a fixed asset investment will invariably appreciate over the long-term and many will argue that there is no right or wrong time for investing in it. It is the buyer’s financial circumstances that actually is the deciding factor. Still, the favorable conditions for investing in real estate right now cannot be ignored.

Why invest in property?
Many reports across real estate firms have predicted that the Australian property market is expected to steadily grow in both sales and rental markets. The economy is recovering, and consumer confidence is up. The rising employment percentage for the fourth consecutive month have helped the sentiment. Almost 93% of the jobs lost during April and May 2020 have now been recovered.

From economy to consumer confidence, employment levels, government policy, population growth, supply, and local demographics—a lot of factors are lining up in favor of investing in real estate. There are multiple growth drivers that investors can take opportunity of.

  • The cost of financing is quite low now and combined with the upward surge in market prices, it makes for an excellent year to invest in real estate.
  • The record-low interest rates are an attractive factor for investors. Besides, interest rates are not expected to rise until 2024 which essentially means costs can be kept low and investment paid off quickly.
  • Capital growth potential in the future makes it fairly safe to buy property now. With the international borders opening up either in the near or distant future, the influx of the migrant population is only going to increase the demand for property. Benefit from a capital gain by selling even after the required Capital Gains Tax.
  • Real estate investment is a long-term security option as the last year’s market fluctuations have shown. The property market has weathered every storm and clocked growth amidst the pandemic as well.
  • Remote working has opened up the possibilities of relocating to places offering lower cost of living and a better lifestyle. Property investors willing to venture into these areas can yield great returns from this opportunity.

A long-term capital growth option with interest rates at a record low makes the investment risk at its minimal right now. There is no better time than 2021 to invest in real estate.

The time is now
The affordable investment window may not last long as the pandemic seems to be in its last throws. The superb handling of the pandemic and precaution protocols in Australia might open up the economy sooner rather than later.

After some thorough research and after factoring in all the unique circumstances, finding the right investment property is sure to turn out into a profitable venture.



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