Post Truck Accident Tips: 7-Step Protection Guide

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Post Truck Accident Tips: 7-Step Protection Guide

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No matter how careful you are on the road, an accident can still happen. Sometimes they can happen because of careless driving, such as drunk driving or just by accident. The size of trucks increases the risk of accidents which can cause a lot of damage and seriously hurt and kill people. It is essential to know what to do after a truck accident to save on time and money.

The following tips will guide you on what to do in case of a truck accident.

1.   Stop and Report the Accident

After an accident occurs, one must remain at the scene of the accident. If possible, remove your car from the road and make sure it is visible to other drivers on the road by turning on hazard lights to prevent another accident. You should also make sure you are safe. If someone is seriously injured or has died, call emergency contacts such as 911 immediately. If no one has injuries or dies, call the police instead, who will fill up an accident report, assess the situation, and direct you on the next move you should make. Get a copy of the accident report as you might need it if you go to court regarding the accident.

2.   Take Pictures

If you are physically able and not seriously hurt, take pictures of the accident for your records. If you need to file a lawsuit later, the photos will come in handy. Pictures help show how fatal the accident was and help you remember the details of the accident. Also, note how the accident occurred immediately as the memory is still fresh to avoid leaving out details that can be of use later.

3.   Speak Carefully and Wisely

After an accident, an insurance adjuster will contact you. It would be best to be very careful and wise in what you say because they can use anything you say against you. They required you to cooperate with the insurance company but not give a statement. If they ask for a written statement, do not give one.
It would help if you insisted on talking to an attorney first before providing any information. Even though you are at fault, do not admit fault. The responding officer will document who is at fault.

4.   Identify Other People Involved

Try to get information from other parties involved and identify information about the truck and other vehicles involved. Even though the truck driver is at fault, emphasize the importance of that information to hold the liable parties accountable and for necessary compensation. The company, the truck driver was driving for may also be responsible for the injuries and damage to your vehicle. Exchange information with the other party as well. Ensure you get the truck driver’s name, the truck company’s name, and the insurance company information.

5.   Seek Medical Treatment

Seeking medical treatment is vital after an accident. It would be best if you got checked by medical personnel no matter how you feel at the moment, as adrenaline can make you not feel pain. If you do not get checked by the first respondents or at the accident scene, visit a hospital immediately. If you do not seek medical treatment, it will interfere with your compensation process as stated in the Nevada truck accident statute of limitations, because everyone needs to know that there is a time limit for compensations after a truck accident. Therefore, the faster you seek medical treatment, the more you are increasing your chances for compensation.

6.   Check for Witnesses

If you can physically move after an accident, check for witnesses at or near the accident scene. You can collect a witness statement or get their contact information if some accident details are not precise. You can also call the witnesses to testify in your case in court.

7.   Follow Medical Advice

Be sure to keep your medical receipts and records to prevent gaps in your medical file. An insurance company might not cover bills if there are gaps in your medical file. It would be wise to follow medical advice because it is essential and enhances faster recovery from injuries. You can go back to your regular routines that might have changed due to the accident sooner.
We cannot prevent all accidents, but we can avoid some, such as those caused by drunk driving or driving under the influence of any other drugs. We can also control how we respond to the situations after the accidents by learning the tips above. The recommendations will help keep you safe, make you aware of the steps they require you to take after a truck accident and make you aware of the compensation you may have a right to demand.


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