Vaughn College 104K Sq-Ft. Expansion

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Vaughn College 104K Sq-Ft. Expansion

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Vaughn College 111514
The leadership, faculty, and students of the Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology and the project team of Ensign Engineering, Stalco Construction, and John Ciardullo Associates celebrated the completion of a multi-phase expansion, renovation, and sound abatement project at the College’s main campus in Flushing, N.Y.
The gala event, led by the College’s President Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo, marked the end of a three-year project that has completely transformed the main campus of the 82-year old private institution into a cutting edge engineering and technology education hub for more than 1,700 students.  Vaughn, a private, four-year college, offers master’s, bachelor’s, and associate degree programs in engineering, technology, aviation, and management.
The two-day celebrations culminated in the official installation of Dr. DeVivo as the seventh president and the first female leader in the College’s history.
“The Vaughn College’s diverse population of students includes many first-generation Americans and first-generation college students.  Our institution seeks to provide an engaging educational experience for every student, which supports them in their pursuit of a degree as well as lifelong learning,” said DeVivo.  “The completely upgraded educational and administrative facilities allow us to provide unparalleled service to our students and attract top faculty members, while incorporating the most advanced instructional technology and methods into our programs.  I would like to thank the project team of Ensign Engineering, Stalco, and John Ciardullo Associates for their commitment, creativity, and expertise, which made this complex project a reality,” she added.
According to Regina Gallagher Marengo, P.E., president of construction manager Ensign Engineering, who managed the renovation, “The nearly $40-million project equipped Vaughn College with expanded and renovated educational and technical facilities; new physics, mechanical, structural, and materials testing laboratories; new public spaces; a new, two-story library and teaching and learning center; upgraded building systems; and the robust sound insulation necessary for a college located only 200 feet from one of LaGuardia Airport’s runways.”
The renovations were financed from two sources.  Vaughn received grant funds totaling approximately $32 million from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) to soundproof the building.  In addition to grant financing, Vaughn invested $7 million from its own funds.  The project’s design was completed in 2009.  Construction began in 2011.


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