Construction Working Dangers And Handling Them

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Construction Working Dangers And Handling Them

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A construction site can be any piece of land where a building stands, regardless of whether it was built or still in the process. Those who work there often need to have large tools and work with large machinery, work at height, and environments where hazardous materials are present. Because of the nature of such work, working on construction sites can be dangerous and, for some, even lethal.
In this article, we’ll outline a list of hazards on the construction site and tell you more about prevention. Keep in mind that these are not all hazards, only those that bring the most danger to the people working in close proximity.

List Of Hazards on a Construction Site

Between 2016 and 2018, construction sites were the worst place for workers as the statistic showed that it was the easiest place to get injured. Construction hazards are heavily dependent on the type of construction work that is being carried out. For example, working on scaffolding presents entirely different dangers to working with asbestos.
Some of the worst hazards are: working at height, moving heavy objects, walking around the building when the floors are wet, noise, arm vibration syndrome, manual handling of dangerous materials, collapsing trenches or parts of the construction site, asbestos, electricity, water pipes, etc.

Working at Hight

In recent years, the research found that just over a quarter of worker fatalities were from a fall from height. This dangerous type of work puts workers at height in a vulnerable position as falls are the most common cause of fatal injuries. Big companies now have suitable training for workers for them to learn the basics of climbing, find out a few tips and tricks, and how to use their equipment properly.
When it comes to the law, it requires all employers to access the risks and dangers and protect their workers at all costs. When that doesn’t happen, workers can talk to Workers Compensation Lawyers and get their case in court. The employee is obliged to ensure that every worker has enough skills and knowledge to climb on higher floors to do the work.
Of course, everyone must be aware of the security procedures they should follow when working or visiting the construction site. The best way to feel safe is to stay on the ground, assemble parts there, use all equipment with an extra level of security, and provide a safety net if someone slips or falls.

Moving Objects on The Construction Site

Every construction site is an ever-changing environment with construction hazards everywhere. Here are many moving objects commonly encountered on construction sites. These include overhead lifting equipment, supply vehicles, and diggers, all of which move around a usually uneven terrain.
The most important thing for every worker is to avoid working close to anything that is moving and wait until the movement is over. Next, everyone should be at the highest alert and vigilant about their surroundings to hear peepers and see lights.
Every machine has systems that show everyone that it’s there and working. However, with glasses, headphones, or other protective equipment, workers sometimes can’t see what’s happening.

Falls and Slips

Slips, trips, and falls can happen in almost any environment at any time of the day. As construction sites often have uneven terrain, many parts of equipment laying down everywhere, buildings at various stages of completion with unfinished parts, and unused materials on-site, it doesn’t come as a surprise that trips and falls are a common hazard. Working at high altitudes demands proper planning, supervision, and certain approaches and precautions to be adopted for everyone to feel safe.
Some reports claim that more than ten thousand workers are injured every year due to slips that could have been avoided by using appropriate equipment and better managing working areas. Stairwells and footpaths are the riskiest areas, especially if it rains or there’s fog.
Safety management should pay close attention to every part of the construction and mark it correctly to remind the workers to be careful when walking or climbing. Risks should always be reported and sorted to reduce the chances of injury.
Uneven surfaces are problematic as workers might lose their balance and fall in a matter of seconds. Another problem is obstacles, and every construction manager should organize materials and equipment so that it doesn’t create a barrier for other workers. Cordless tools should be used where possible. If this is not possible, cables should run at high levels so that workers wouldn’t trip over them or expose themselves to high voltage electricity.

Noisy Construction Site

Every construction site is loud and noisy, whether it’s a house or high-rise building. Lound and repetitive sounds can be a common construction hazard as they can cause long-term hearing problems and deafness. Noise can also be a dangerous distraction while working and distract people from tasks at hand, and cause accidents. Every manager needs to carry out a noise risk assessment to provide necessary PPE where and when required.

Handing Dangerous Materials

Various materials and equipment are constantly being lifted and moved around construction sites. However, handing some materials can bring a health risk, and adequate training must be provided for everyone involved.
When it comes to lifting something or taking it from one place to another, there has to be someone to oversee the process and guarantee safety. Asbestos is one of six natural minerals, and its fibers are very toxic. Inhaling them can cause cancer and lung disease. That;’s why it’s pivotal for workers to have masks to protect their lungs from exposure.

Keep Yourself Safe

The best advice anyone can give to workers is to protect themselves and become a part of a union that ensures everyone has their rights. Of course, even if someone doesn’t feel safe, they should talk to the manager and see whether they can do another type of job on the site.
As long as everyone is keeping themselves safe, and there should be no problem. However, a seasoned lawyer can provide help, guidance, and support during the court process if something occurs.


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