Big-D Construction & Orem Family Fitness Center

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Big-D Construction & Orem Family Fitness Center

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Big-D Construction is excited to announce the recent completion of the Orem Family Fitness Center remodel—a 130,000-square-foot addition that has opened in perfect timing with summer of 2021 around the corner.

The new center features a multitude of new amenities including an elevated running track, racquetball courts, an indoor swimming facility, a bouldering wall and new locker rooms. While the majority of the project was a 96,000-square-foot addition, roughly 32,000 square-feet of the existing facility underwent a significant remodel.

Big-D worked hand-in-hand with Method Studios and Orem City to design the new facility that will meet all of the city’s needs. The collaborative effort from all teams allowed construction to begin in August, well ahead of when the finished design was completed in November. A citizen survey conducted by Orem City of those who have previously utilized the facilities, saw that 90% of the public will directly benefit from this upgrade. The new building is a welcome change and will prove valuable for the Orem City community.

After originally breaking ground in August of 2019, the project was forced to navigate the effects of COVID-19, as well as supply chain issues with the necessary materials. However, Big-D was able to mitigate these effects with clear and precise communication, without extending the completion date of the project.

“I’m proud of how our team worked through the challenges of the pandemic without skipping a beat,” said Big-D Construction’s superintendent of the project. “It took a lot of coordination and we’re thrilled with the finished project. It is an awesome addition to the community, especially as we start to re-enter society from the pandemic.”


Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Big-D Construction family of companies sustains 12 affiliated offices in different locations throughout the United States. Together, Big-D has provided unparalleled CM/GC and design-build services for more than 50 years. Big-D remains on a mission to be the most sought-after construction company in the business. Big-D works to enrich the lives of its customers, consultants, employees and the community as a whole.


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