The Challenges of Living ‘Normally’ with COVID-19

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The Challenges of Living ‘Normally’ with COVID-19

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Coronavirus has significantly changed how people live their daily lives. To prevent the spread of the virus and minimize contagion, various restrictions were put into place by different governments. While these were meant to ensure the health and safety of the people, it cannot be denied that living normally is already challenging with COVID-19.

Healthcare Challenges

One of the primary challenges of living normally with COVID-19 is getting the healthcare treatment that you need particularly when you have to do so in hospitals. For instance, if you need regular dialysis or chemotherapy to help you cope with kidney failure or cancer, it can be quite challenging for you to do so with all the restrictions you need to follow in the hospitals. In this case, you may have to do it alone because companions are not allowed inside.
You are also at high risk because when you suffer from these underlying medical conditions, it means that you are immunocompromised. This entails the need for you to practice heightened measures in sanitizing your hands or wearing proper personal protective equipment such as high-grade masks.

Mental Challenges

Another challenge that people have to deal with in this new normal is the effect of this pandemic on their mental health. Since people are largely discouraged to go out if unnecessary, many are left living alone in their home without anybody to talk to or spend time with. For social butterflies, this is significantly challenging, triggering episodes of anxiety and depression.
If you need to go out just to meet with your friends and spend some time together for your sanity, make sure that you practice necessary protocols such as wearing a mask and social distancing to minimize the risk of spreading the virus. In terms of the former, you can consider the use of a face mask with Bluetooth built in for you to enjoy listening to your favorite music when you commute or eliminate the need for you to bring out your phone when you need to answer a call. When it comes to the latter, a meter apart is a good distance when you already meet your buddies.

Economic Challenges

Finally, living normally with COVID-19 proves to be very challenging because of its economic impact. To minimize the risk of spreading the virus, people were largely restricted from going out, which means that many businesses lost their customers, resulting in temporary or permanent closures. Other enterprises that remained open need to invest in various things to follow protocols such as hand sanitizers or handwashing stations, which means more expenses even if they are only allowed to accommodate half of their capacity.

COVID-19 brought about various challenges when it comes to how people should now live their lives normally. In terms of healthcare, various restrictions imposed by hospitals to minimize contagion make it hard to receive the treatment that patients need. People who need to stay at home alone are also prone to suffering from mental health issues. There are also economic challenges that need to be addressed with various businesses temporarily or permanently closing. People are also prone to various physical challenges brought about by the virus, which makes living normally with COVID-19 difficult.


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