5 Structural Changes Promoting Safety in Workplace

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5 Structural Changes Promoting Safety in Workplace

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As a business owner, it’s crucial that you have the right measures in place to keep your staff safe and protected from injury while they are at work. Depending on the industry your business is in and the type of premises that you have, there are a lot of different steps you can take to promote a safer work environment for your team.
While erecting signage, encouraging the use of personal protective equipment and providing safety training will all help to keep your workplace a little safer day-to-day, for a long-lasting solution to workplace safety, you need to ensure that your premises are constructed with safety in mind. Different types of workplaces can be adapted from a structural standpoint to provide a healthier work environment for staff and visitors alike.
Let’s take a look at just a few ways that you can improve the safety of your business premises moving forward.

Working At Height

If your team needs to work at height for any reason, you need to make sure that they have the right training and equipment to work safely and effectively. Roof anchor points are essential for this task. Well-fitted anchor points will not only keep your team safe and minimize the risk of a fall or injury from occurring but they can also be used by maintenance and service teams working at your business location.

Improved Lighting

Making sure that your workplace is properly lit will help your workers to be more productive and to stay safe while they’re working. Having adequate lighting is essential in ensuring that your team can carry out their work without having to deal with bad lighting. If your workers cannot see what they are doing or where they are going properly, there will be a much higher chance of injuries occurring.

Well-Positioned Loading Bays

Loading bays are often in use throughout the day and night and tend to be busy places where there is a lot of action. To keep your loading bays safe, it’s crucial that they are positioned in the right area and that they are large enough to accommodate the delivery and shipment loads you typically deal with. With your loading bays correctly set up, your workplace will, naturally, be a much safer and more efficient place.

Clean Floor Surfaces

Your floors take a lot of traffic and over time, they can experience quite a bit of wear and tear. If you want to avoid employees tripping or falling on cracks, holes or damaged floor surfaces, you need to keep your floors in good condition. Be sure to check your floors regularly and repair any damage to ensure your floors are always clean, smooth and safe.

Workstation Setups

The number of workstations in a typical office can change regularly. As staff change positions, new staff come on board and you adapt your office layout, your workstation setups will change a little too. Take this time to relocate any power points or switches to a position where they may better benefit your new office layout. The last thing that you want is to have a web of cables and wires running along your floor, waiting to trip up your employees keep your office space clean and organised.

Take Steps To Make Your Workplace Safer

Providing a safe work environment for your team to thrive is crucial for your business to succeed. Failing to provide a safe workplace for your team, will result in your staff working less efficiently, not being productive and being at higher risk of injury. Take steps to make your workplace safer to protect your team and ensure that your company is more efficient moving forward.


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