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beachstone 082514 After an extensive three-year R& D program, Beachstone Sustainable Surfaces has launched its introductory program, alerting North America to its incredibly “green” capabilities of producing custom or standard sized, recycled glass concrete surfacing products. “We have the capabilities to produce just about anything, including three-dimensional products such as site furniture, contract tabletops and much more. Additionally, if a designer has an idea for a completely unique furniture/furnishing creation, we have the wherewithal to make it a reality in beautiful and sustainable materials… offered in a myriad of colors and color/chip combinations,” stated Aron Buterbaugh, President and Founder of Beachstone. In contrast to larger manufacturers of concrete cast products that require long lead times and relatively high quantities of products to be produced “per run,” Beachstone is able to produce practically any quantity from one to 1,000 in a fraction of the time it takes other firms. “We took a long time to think this out,” added Buterbaugh. “Our product is very ‘green,’ it is very attractive… and it is very durable. Importantly, our clientele doesn’t have to wait until the cows come home to receive delivery. Our ability to output product to customers’ specifications… and then, to deliver product much quicker than what they’ve come to expect, is just one of the many advantages Beachstone brings to the marketplace.” ABOUT BEACHSTONE® Products are MADE-IN-USA from highly recycled content (85% by weight) which helps divert post-consumer glass and pre-consumer seashells from landfill deposits. Beachstone surfaces are good for the environment for many reasons, one being the firm avoids wasteful use of water in the polishing process (Beachstone product manufacturing uses less water per day than a normal household) The Beachstone facility is day-lit and highly insulated… resulting major energy reduction. 160 Presumpscot Street, Portland, Maine | 04103 | 207-899-8109 |


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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

2023 Virtual Men’s Round Table was held on November 7th, 2023 via Zoom.


2024 Virtual Women’s Round Table

2023 Women’s Round Table #1 was held on October 20th, 2023 via Zoom


Sanzari Completes Multi-Million-Dollar Glenpointe Marriott Project

Alfred Sanzari Enterprises, a preeminent family-owned and operated commercial and residential real estate firm, announces the completion of a capital improvement project at the Glenpointe Marriott, a 351-room full-service hotel located on the company’s Glenpointe corporate campus in Teaneck, N.J. The capital improvement project transformed the hotel’s 39,317-square-foot

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