Land Surveying For Construction: The Essentials

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Land Surveying For Construction: The Essentials

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What Is Land Surveying For Construction

A land survey for construction purposes is done to take into consideration future above-ground and underground structures. Accurate location details of how the structure as a whole including pipes, elevation level, mapping drainage lines, and more are made by land surveyors.

Most construction companies prefer local land surveyors as they are more knowledgeable about the land that needs to be surveyed, water conditions, and other detrimental factors like if there is a protected area that needs to be taken into consideration. These are important details needed by the construction owners as it gives valuable elements that need to be kept in mind while designing the structure. Also Land surveying before construction can point out any danger or hazard that may be present in the site like asbestos, lead, etc. These must be taken care of before demolition or new construction.

A land survey of a construction site can bring together many elements that need to be taken into consideration so that the construction is carried out successfully. The solutions given by Ray Carlson and Associates are based on research using technologically advanced tools like drones. They essentially process technically with precision and comprehensive data. A land survey not done right can lead to legal implications. Hence a licensed land surveyor is a good choice to start with.

The Essentials of Land Surveying For Construction

We have compiled together an outline of the essential steps that are required for land surveying for construction.

Detailed and Comprehensive Research

This is the first step that starts before the surveyor even gets to the designated spot. Checking existing records to understand more about the history of the land or if it has any legal pending issues to be disputed is critical in the very beginning.

Laying The Groundwork

A site could have steep terrain, rocky roads, or vegetation. A map is developed to understand the strategy for handling specific challenges or hindrances. The decision regarding equipment that will be used to clear these problems is made in this stage as well.

Putting Together a Team

Once the elements that need to be surveyed are listed a team is prepared to survey the final stage. The size of the team depends on how many elements need to be taken into consideration, the size of the construction project, and any other specific aspect.

Creating a Boundary

Property lines are marked regarding the element to be surveyed using survey markers. Throughout the survey and also the construction project, these will be used as references. Hence they are to be marked with precision as they will account for the base information on which the structure will be built.

Conduction of The Survey

Depending on the scope of the project, weather conditions, size of the location, and other factors, the survey can be conducted. It can be done in a few hours at a time but if all factors are not supportive it could take a few days.

Prepare Final Report

This is the stage where the final report is prepared by the project leader for the client. IT will include all details of elements surveyed like monuments around it, information on the area’s topography, and also if there is any wildlife around the area which needs to be protected. A licensed surveyor stamps the final copy to make it legally sound.

How Land Surveyors Can Help You Save Money

Every property owner be it a commercial or residential one looks for ways to save money. Low expenses and cost-effective ways are important. However, it is important to keep in mind where you save money. Some things are optional but hold a lot of value. One of the most important aspects to not cut down as your expense is land surveying before you start construction.
Contractors look for survey records before starting construction so that they can use them as a guideline for construction. However, some may not take it seriously and make rough estimations. Mistakes in miscalculation can lead to your construction crossing a boundary with a neighboring property owner or encroaching a protected area. This could sometimes delay your construction work and sometimes even hold you down with legal issues. In case of demolition, it will cost you money and a licensed surveyor can save you all the headaches before you even start.
Ensure you get your land surveyed before starting any type of construction to know exactly what is the total area where you can construct so you don’t build outside your property line. This will save you from a potential lawsuit and eventual money loss. We hope that those essentials were informative and helpful enough for you.


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