What Month Should You Clean Gutters?

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What Month Should You Clean Gutters?

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Cleaning your gutters isn’t exactly fun, but it’s a task you should take seriously. Neglecting the gutters can put your home at risk for water damage, which can be extremely inconvenient and expensive. It’s best to know the right time to clean the gutters during the year to prevent clogged downspouts.

When Should You Clean Your Gutters?

It’s important to know when to clean your gutters, why gutter cleaning is an essential part of tending to your home, and how to complete this task safely.
Every house has a separate gutter cleaning schedule due to the unique location of the home. Some houses have several trees and some don’t have any trees nearby. If your home has trees hanging over the roof, you’ll have to clean the gutters more often than if you don’t have trees in the yard.
During autumn, it’s best to clean the gutters once the leaves start to fall. This usually occurs in September or October, depending on where you live. Twigs and leaves clog the gutter downspout quickly. But the fall season isn’t the only time to clean your gutters. Debris, leaves, and twigs can fall into the gutters any time of year, especially after a storm.
While it’s best to save this task for the fall, you shouldn’t ignore your gutters during the rest of the year. After a strong storm, climb a ladder to the gutters to see if there are items that need to be removed. You should also check the gutters any time you don’t think they’re functioning the way they should.

Gutter Cleaning Safety Tips

Cleaning your gutters could be unsafe if you don’t take the right precautions each time you perform this chore. If you don’t feel comfortable on a ladder or you’re afraid of heights, it may be best to hire a professional. However, if you want to take on the job yourself, keep these tips in mind for your safety:

  • Use a high-quality ladder
  • Inspect the ladder before each use
  • Ask someone to hold the ladder in place for you
  • Keep one hand and both feet on the ladder
  • Check the gutters to ensure no insects or animals have made a nest in them
  • Wear gloves and goggles when cleaning

Why Should You Keep the Gutters Clean?

Cleaning the gutters is a crucial task for a homeowner because when the gutters aren’t clean, rainwater will settle in them. The water has nowhere to go but inside your house, where it can cause serious damage. Excess moisture in the walls can cause mold and mildew to develop and attract rodents and insects. This could cause your family to get mold illness and other dangerous conditions.
If your home suffers water damage and insect infestation or mildew growth, the cost of repairs can be expensive. It’s not worth it to spend thousands of dollars to fix a problem that only takes hours to solve. You may always be motivated to take on this chore, especially if you have a busy schedule, which is why calling a professional could be beneficial.
If you find that you have to clean your gutters too often, you may want to consider a new gutter system. Contact a professional in your area to learn about new and improved gutter designs that keep debris out and let water in. The fall season is the ideal time to install a new gutter system so you can keep clogs from impeding the function of your gutters. A new system can also help you avoid severe water damage and mold buildup, which can be a significant health risk for you and your loved ones.


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