iQ Power Tools teams up with NTCA

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iQ Power Tools teams up with NTCA

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iQ Power Tools, manufacturer of premium power tools with integrated dust collection technology, is pleased to announce their team is partnering with the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) and the American Lung Association (ALA) to present a FREE, LIVE webinar, on Tuesday, November 17th at 12pm PST.

Via iQ’s Virtual Visitor, a mobile digital broadcast platform, attendees can join the silica conversation with Paul Guth, iQ’s President, Bart Bettiga, Executive Director of the NTCA, Jim Olson, Assistant Executive Director of the NTCA, Mark Heinlein, Training Director of the NTCA and Dr. Levy, Medical Spokesperson for the American Lung Association.

Via Zoom and Facebook Live, attendees will have the opportunity to “Get Serious About Silica!” According to Sarah Hurtado, iQ’s Marketing Manager, “Silica safety is more than just being OSHA compliant – its saving your own life and that of your employees.”

This will be a roundtable discussion about silica. In addition to discussing hazards, OSHA standards and more, Dr. Levy, from the ALA, will share his experiences with silicosis and how his patients have been affected by the harmful silica dust. Plus, scheduled is a member of the NTCA team to sharing his own personal story.

“We are encouraging contractors from across the country to join us,” stated Guth, “Now, more than ever, is the time for them to know their options. Our team, along with Dr. Levy, will explain in detail what workers in the construction industry really need to know; for themselves and their crews. We’re going to get scientific and really drive the message home about the seriousness of the health hazards associated with silica exposure.”

Guth added, “This is the first of two Silica Presentations with the NTCA. We’re going to really zone in on the health hazards in this first presentation. With our second one, scheduled for December, we will discuss compliance options and understanding the PEL(permissible exposure limits).”

Bart Bettiga concluded, “The NTCA is committed to providing important and accurate information for our members. Raising awareness of the OSHA Respirable Silica Rule and the harmful effects that can result if workers fail to properly control potentially harmful dust that contains it is something we have taken very seriously. We are pleased to partner with IQ Power Tools and the American Lung Association to discuss this issue in further detail from a medical viewpoint; in addition to discussing best practices on the job site to avoid exposure. We hope to engage our audience with open dialogue and encourage their questions and interaction

Attendees can register via ZOOM HERE, or they can follow along on
iQ PowerTools and the NTCA’s Facebook Pages.
IQ Power Tools manufactures a comprehensive range of premium power tools with integrated dust collection systems for the concrete, masonry, hardscape and tile sectors. The company was founded by third-generation masons Joel and Paul Guth, who have logged over 30 years each in the masonry industry. Decades of experience taught them about dust problems; their company started out creating tools to solve their own problems only to realize these same issues affected all contractors’… mess, money and a threat to the health and safety of the industry. iQ Power Tools envisions a future where their innovation helps create a 100% dust free environment: jobsites are safer, work practices are healthier… and, the construction industry becomes even more sustainable.



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