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Patt Concrete 040114
Patterned Concrete Ontario Inc offers proven cost effective paving alternatives that are starting to make developers and municipalities say YES.  Yes to upgrading to concrete.  This condo with design aid from PATTERNED CONCRETE ONTARIO INC offers a six inch concrete slab – rebar reinforced, a matt non slip finish with a grouted stone look.  All aspects of future repairs or the ability to add on were taken into consideration.  “The custom colour hardener used on this project can be matched many years down the road – Since 1987 you can imagine what we have had to repair due to new sewer lines, broken pipes etc – sometimes just adding on due to new construction”  PATTERNED CONCRETE is a registered TRADEMARK and only can be installed through a licensed approved contractor.  Get proven results – SPECIFY PATTERNED CONCRETE.
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The 2024 virtual Men’s Round Table will be held Q4, 2024, date TBD.

2024 Virtual Men’s Round Tables

2023 Virtual Men’s Round Table was held on November 7th, 2023 via Zoom.


2024 Virtual Women’s Round Table

2023 Women’s Round Table #1 was held on October 20th, 2023 via Zoom


Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation awards 33 scholarships

With a philosophy that education is a cornerstone of career advancement, the Women of the Vine & Spirits Foundation has awarded $863,545 in scholarships since its inception in 2017. Providing scholarships to support educational and professional development, the non-profit continues to propel its mission of cultivating and

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