The Director Of Business Development at The Beam Team on why every home office should have colored Sharpies, pacemakers, and the infinitive wisdom of Erma Bombeck.
What does your work day look like today?
I have been traveling less and connecting on phone/video calls more. I have been reaching out to customers and industry friends, just reconnecting and checking in whether we do business or not. Everyone has been in a state of limbo figuring out the new normal. We have all been trying to anticipate new needs and prepare for changed demands so we can hit the ground running as retailers reopen.
What is the one thing you cannot live without in your home office?
Colored Sharpies and notebooks. I am a note taker, if I get a call and do not have a notebook, notes get written on the back of envelopes, my hand, anything in sight.
How are you staying connected with your team? Customers?
Many phone calls. We have Teams meetings and Zoom video calls with customers. Our corporate office is outside Atlanta, but we have hundreds of employees across the country. Even before COVID, my company did a great job of keeping us all connected with town hall meetings, monthly newsletters, video updates from management, etc. We have a neat company culture that involves keeping everyone in the field connected.
What is your home office background noise — TV, streaming service, other?
That would be my dog, Scooter, growling and keeping the neighborhood safe. I usually listen to Spotify music if I am not on the phone. Some people can stream Netflix in the background and work on a spreadsheet, but not me. It’s too distracting.
Name the band you cannot take off your playlist.
Andy Grammer
Favorite binge-watching series right now?
The Goldbergs
Favorite comfort food.
All of it. If I really must narrow it down, I will go with Nutella.
Tell us something people would find surprising about you?
I am blessed with a really cool testimony. I have had a pacemaker since high school and I flatlined in 2014. I had no pulse for 5 minutes. It was quite an experience. I wrote a book about all the miracles leading up to and following it.
What is the craziest thing that ever happened to you on a job site?
We had a site that became a crime scene when someone wrecked their car overnight. They found the car, but not the driver, and the job site was on a river. The police did not know if the guy fled the scene or was ejected into the river.
Biggest influence on your life?
Being a pacemaker patient. It has taught me to keep life in perspective and to give people grace. You never know what someone is dealing with or working through. When you experience a medical emergency and your whole world stops, simple acts of kindness and grace are impactful in ways I think a lot of people cannot imagine. Life comes at us fast and it is easy to miss an opportunity to be a blessing when someone needs it most.
Best advice you ever received?
These two quotes: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say I used everything you gave me.” — Erma Bombeck
“It is not about what you can get away with, it is about who you want to be.”
If you ever have to do a lockdown again, what is the one item you must have at the ready?
What trait do you most admire?
That’s tough because there are so many. I admire people who bring out the best in the people around them.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Relax. Nobody else knows what they are doing either. Just try anything till something works.
Have you tried the virtual happy hour yet?
No. Way to call me out, Mike!
What is the first thing you are going to do when you are able to get back to some sense of normalcy?
Oh man, I cannot wait to be able to hang out with my parents and friends again, and get back into the gym.