5 Ways to Reduce & Prevent Home Heat Loss

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5 Ways to Reduce & Prevent Home Heat Loss

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One of the main features in modern homes is reduced heat loss. When your house loses heat easily, your energy bills will be high and maintaining warm temperatures during winter will be difficult. This is because, when heat seeps out of your house, your heating and air conditioning system (HVAC) will be forced to work round the clock to maintain ideal temperatures.
During the cold seasons, your HVAC system will be under even more pressure, thus utilizing more power. Considering the global push for creating a more sustainable world, energy efficient homes being built today are designed for keeping the heat in.
However, just because your house has not been optimized to prevent heat loss does not mean you’re doomed to spend more on heating. Fortunately, there are methods, some even DIY, that can be used to reduce heat loss in homes.
In this article, you will learn about the different types of heat loss in your home, how much heat is lost through windows, and how to keep the heat in. Taking such measures will not only reduce your energy bills to ensure you play an active role in safeguarding the environment.

1. Insulate Your Floors

Do your floors often feel cold? They may be the reason it often feels chilly in your house. Floors have been found to contribute significantly to the heat loss in buildings. In a certain study, insulated floors were found to reduce heat loss by up to 92% of the heat loss in a building.
This is why sufficient insulation is added between the ground and floor when modern buildings such as Paradise Developments are being constructed. For older homes, the best option is to add insulation layers on existing floors. There are different options homeowners can choose from, depending on the type of floor, budget and amount of insulation needed.

2. Wall and Roof Insulation

If you want to keep the heat in, you will also be required to insulate your walls and roof. Wall insulation involves having insulation material blown into the gap between bricks and the inside part of the wall. This method is effective as it reduces air circulation, which helps keep the heat inside. However, the secret to making it effective is ensuring no gaps are left.
Alternatively, you can add insulation boards on walls to help keep your house warm. A board of 10 mm thickness will suffice to prevent heat from escaping your home.
Heat loss through the roof often occurs at the loft cavity. To address this, you will need to add a layer of insulation on the ceiling in the loft. Check for gaps, around pipework, hatches, and electrical points. To identify gaps, take a look at your roof early in the morning on a frosty day. Any parts that do not have frost are air leaks and need to be sealed.

3. Heat Loss Through Windows

Windows are an important aesthetic feature in homes and account for roughly 15 to 20 percent of the surface area of walls. As such, they contribute greatly to the heating and cooling costs in your home. With windows, it’s not just about how much heat is lost through windows but also how much heat they allow in. During the summer, when it’s hot, windows allow a lot of heat into your home, forcing the HVAC system to work harder to cool the house.
During winter, heat loss through windows makes it difficult for your HVAC to maintain ideal temperatures. Whether it’s the hot or cold season, windows find a way to add to your energy bill. However, heat loss through windows can be resolved by using:

  • Window seals
  • Rope caulk
  • Window film

If there are any gaps around windows and doors, you can use weather-strip seals to fill them. Such seals either have self-adhesive properties or are nailed into place. They come in the forms of silicone, vinyl, or foam. Before installing window seals, the area it will be applied should be cleaned as dirt affects adhesive properties.
Are there are any holes or cracks that are too tiny for window seals? Do not worry. All you need is rope caulk, a non-hardening putty. All you need to do is cut a suitable piece and press it into the hole or crack.
Window seals and Rope Caulk help with covering areas around the windows that contribute to heat loss in homes. To prevent the loss of heat from the windows, you will need to have window film installed. Residential window film can greatly reduce the amount of heat lost through windows and also has the following advantages:

  • Boosts privacy levels
  • Reduces fading of furniture and carpets as it cuts down on the amount of UV light passing through
  • Reduces glare
  • Enhances safety
  • Offers your family protection against UV rays associated with skin cancer

When it comes to reducing heat loss through windows, it’s best to combine the use of window seals and film. The little spaces that seem insignificant, can allow a lot of heat to escape.

4. Use Chimney Balloons

Think about it, chimneys are an easy escape route for heat. If you still use your fireplace, consider purchasing a removable chimney balloon. You can put it in place to prevent heat loss when you are not using the chimney. However, if you do not use the chimney, consider calling a professional to get it removed.

5. Keep Windows and Doors Closed

At times, all that’s needed to keep your family warm are the simple measures. Open windows not only allow heat to escape but let in cold breezes. With doors, ensure that they’re all closed. Open doors increase air circulation, which then results in cooling.

Is Preventing Heat Loss in Homes Worth It?

There are different types of heat loss that occur in your home. Separately they may seem insignificant, but collectively they can result in significant heat loss. This, in turn, can increase your energy consumption and the likelihood of your HVAC system breaking down due to the workload.


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