Tricks to Improve Your Warehouse & Storage Spaces

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Tricks to Improve Your Warehouse & Storage Spaces

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No matter what your industry is, your warehouse and storage space needs to be in order and well maintained to be successful. There are a few tricks you can use to ensure that you are getting the most out of your storage space. By taking the time to improve your warehouse you will see enhanced storage options, better financial benefits and an overall increase in employee productivity.

Review Your Storage Materials

What materials you use to store your products can have a large impact on your storage space. Using thicker materials may seem like a good option, but it could mean that you are losing out on valuable space. Taking the time to review the different materials used in your warehouse containers and products to help you find ways to better store your merchandise. When evaluating the materials, keep in mind its thickness, durability and cost. Make sure that your containers are not costing you money by using ones that can improve the storage efficiency of your warehouse.

Utilize Unused Space

Additionally, when looking for ways to improve your storage space, make sure to review how your items are stored. This includes looking at whether there are ways that you can store more products without expanding the warehouse itself. If space allows it, look into extending your racking upwards or decrease the space in your aisles. Little tricks like this can open up extra space for storage, giving you more room for your products. Be sure to keep in mind the inventory and accessibility needs of your employees.

Improve Your Warehouse Care

An easy way to lose money with your storage space is by not taking preventative measures to protect your products. Without a proper surface guard sealer, you are opening your products up to damage and your floors to stain. A surface guard sealer locks out unwanted moisture that can ruin your stock. Additionally, a sealant will make your floor resistant to stains such as oil and grease. Keeping your warehouse neat and clean demonstrates that you care about your products to both your employees and customers.

Take Advantage of Your Roof

When looking to improve your warehouse space, you should also consider ways to optimize your roofing. By creating a sustainable roofing plan, you can enjoy reduced energy costs by taking advantage of the unused rooftop space to power your offices. Additionally, depending on your state, you may be eligible for tax benefits that will help reduce your end of the year tax bill.

Introduce New Organization Structure

During the process of upgrading your warehouse, look into how you can better utilize the space by changing your current layout. Walk through your warehouse to see where you can improve the organizational structure. This is not an easy process, but a well-organized space will improve productivity from staff, optimize your space and ultimately save you money. Make sure that when you are going through this reorganization to include discussions with staff who already work in the warehouse. These employees can give you the best feedback about the current state of your warehouse and how it can be improved.

Evaluate Your Stock Management Plan

While going through the reorganization process, look into how to improve your current storage plans. To do this, review your stocking trends to see which items are selling quickly and which ones are slower-moving. Once you have identified your stock, look into whether you have the faster-moving products at an easier to access location so that your employees are not losing time going back and forth unnecessarily. Optimizing your storage management plan will help your employees work more efficiently and improve profitability.
Taking the time to improve your warehouse storage processes, care plan and organizational structure will save your company time and money. Additionally, your employees will appreciate working in and with a better functioning warehouse. Your company will only benefit from a better managed and utilized storage space.


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