Mule-Hide Products Co. Redesigned Website

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Mule-Hide Products Co. Redesigned Website

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Mule-Hide Products Co. Inc. has redesigned its website, making it faster and easier for contractors, specifiers and property managers to access the information they need when designing, installing, maintaining or repairing Mule-Hide low-slope roofing systems.
The home page gives visitors several user-friendly avenues for getting product information. Simply scroll down to see the latest additions to the Mule-Hide Products catalog, investigate individual product categories or explore by roofing system type. Each route leads to a wealth of information, including brochures, product data sheets, safety data sheets, technical bulletins, detail drawings, installation guides, training videos, design guides, answers to frequently asked questions, and warranty-related information.
An improved search function combs all product information and documents with one click and divides the results into three categories – Products, Documents and Videos – to help users quickly find the desired information or materials. Users can then add multiple documents to a cart for quick downloading.
An enhanced submittal builder tool streamlines the process of requesting customized submittal packages containing all necessary documents and drawings.
Recent blog posts, a calendar of upcoming trade shows and a link to Mule-Hide Products’ monthly newsletter for contractors also are featured on the home page.
The new site was designed by Iowa Computer Gurus of Ankeny, Iowa.
About Mule-Hide Products Co. Inc.
Mule-Hide Products Co. Inc. offers premium-quality, high-performance roofing products and systems that meet the current and emerging needs of the design community, contractors and building owners with a strong focus on sustainable solutions. More information is available at and on LinkedIn.


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