Recent Technology Debuts in Construction Sector

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Recent Technology Debuts in Construction Sector

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New technology has completely changed the world rapidly over the years. Computers, wind and solar power generation, solar and electric cars, and a lot of substantial changes have been made in our professional and personal lives along with overall the economy. Same as there has been new technology changed in the construction sector.
In most of the countries, productivity improvement and technological change in theconstruction sectorhave been insufficient and meager over the last 50 years ago. Over the century ago, people were more relying or using pen and paper to conduct calculating and estimating, bid management, takeoff, and another outdated process in past decades.
New technological change and advancement in existing technology have the potential to mostly transforming the way of owners, engineers, designers, contractors, subcontractor, and construction manager perform their work. In recent years, people are getting familiar with new technology as well as adoption in a job. As a result, not only construction cost will decrease but also site safety will improve and productivity in work will increase substantially.

What are the challenges faced by old technology?

A portable circular law, a nail gun, pickup truck, hydraulic excavator, and cement mixer truck all have not familiar or even didn’t exist 100 years ago. People were facing a lot of difficulties in productivity, consequently, production suffered due to outdated technology. Lack of information, insufficient consistency and accuracy, inadequate machinery, and weak project monitoring system were the significant challenges from old technology.

Why engineers move towards to new technology?

Innovation and advancement in technology create security and minimize risk factor in industries. Cutting-edge technology can attract experienced and young professional into the sector – while saving lives as well as increasing employmentand productivity. Bureau of labor statistics reported that more than 7 million workers are associated with the construction industries in the United States and it will represent the fastest-growing construction sectors into 2022.

What are the top technology trends in the construction sector?

The majority of construction industries have adopted a new technology for desiring result and better efficiency. Now, there are briefly describing top technology trends in the construction industry.

1.     3D printing

It is the construction process that formulates three-dimensional objects from the digital program file. According to the china-based construction company,” 3D printing machines will save the cost of the building of houses up to 50 percent in the construction sector”.
3D technologyis not only the lifesaver but also help in reducing cost, ability to construct a flexible design, and improve sustainable credentials for growth worldwide.

2.     Augmented reality

Augmented reality is also referred to as spatial computing – it is rapidly fastest expanding and growing into an industrial application and a large number of businesses. “It has been supplemented or augmented by a computer-generated system such as videos or graphics” says, Elizabeth Higgins, researcher in construction sector at KingEssay.
Therefore, the AR system makes digital media realize that physically present or appear through interactive gesture and design. Market and market reported that augmented market (AR) is expected to reach worldwide up to $60.55 billion in 2023.

3. Autonomous construction

Generally, the autonomous construction referred to as construction equipment that is maneuvered, operated, and navigated by a computer without the need for human or unnecessary intervention under planned and ordinary conditions at the site. Therefore, the autonomous equipment used in construction sector provides a considerable improvement in a job opportunity, productivity as well as get a better result in site safety.

4. Digital futures

In present years, the construction and architecture industry has integrated digitalization into their processes. Digital future covers a considerable part of technological changes as well as a positive impact in the construction industry. According to the Navigant construction forum, increased use of digital technology will improve the reliability, speed, and accuracy of project communications that decrease delay and changes claims.

5. Geospatial technology

Geospatial technology indicates that equipment used in measurement, analysis, and visualization of earth features – it involves such systems as a geographical information system (GIS), a global positioning system (GPS), and remote sensing (RS). It provides more detailed and accurate information to the project member through the construction, design, and planning process.

6. Radio frequency identification technology

In recent years, RIFD becomes more accessible and widely spread in the construction sector. By using radiofrequency technology can help to increase in site productivity, improve efficiencies, reduce theft, and manage assets. Alarge number of companiesrealize the need for RIFD in the construction sector – and getting the benefit such as significant savings, reduce expenses, and eliminate the waiting for new tools.

Now where we stand today?

The Navigant construction forum has surveyed to examine the work after the adoption of technological advancement. It concluded that in the survey report, construction industries are starting to gain due to the technological improvement, but it will take time to absorb completely. The Navigant construction survey noted that:

  • 30% of the US respondent use robotics or automated technology
  • 42% use drones technology to monitor construction
  • 30% use material onsite and RFID to track equipment
  • 65% use BIM for the majority of the projects


The world has been changed rapidly from the fastest rate same as technological advancement changed. However, there is a need for up-to-date and familiar with technology for a better result in any sector. In the construction sector, people noted that significant changes such as efficiency improve, reduction cost, new markets create productive growth, profitability, and reliability after the adoption of new technology. These are new technological development moves toward to the oriented growth as well as increase open communication between designers, contractors, and all level of the project organization.

 Author bio

John William is architecture engineer. He has written different papers on various subjects such as construction, marketing etc. John often works part-time as a content writer for Australian Master.


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