Managing Work Responsibility & Personal Upheaval

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Managing Work Responsibility & Personal Upheaval

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When you think about a big change happening in your life, you will always imagine it to be an overwhelmingly positive occasion, such as a promotion, engagement, or getting pregnant. However, there will be big life events that come along which are just as momentous but not as positive. When you find yourself in a negative situation that potentially puts you through a traumatic experience, it can be hard to know how you are going to cope both on a personal level and at your job.
To give you some guidance at this difficult time in your life, this guide has broken down how to handle the professional and personal spheres of your life to get through whatever your current circumstances are and emerge a stronger person for it.
How to deal with your work
To begin with, dealing with work is often slightly easier and more intuitive than dealing with your personal life following a trauma. When you are thinking about what to do when you are struggling at work, the answer to incredible simple: ask for help.
Organize a confidential meeting with your boss or line manager and explain to them that something has happened which has caused a huge amount of personal upheaval within your life and you will need some additional support to help you continue to do your job to a high standard. This could include things like longer deadlines, decreased workload, or even the option of working from home a few days a week.
When it comes to your colleagues, you may not feel comfortable going into detail about what has happened to you. By letting them know you are having a hard time and doing all you can to get through it, you will find that they are sympathetic to you.
How to deal with your personal life
When it comes to dealing with the personal side of trauma, this can roughly be broken down into two sections, as outlined below.
Get financial help and justice for what you have been through.
If you have been through a traumatic experience then visiting and looking into the legal rights you have in terms of claiming compensation is always a smart thing to do. In the aftermath of personal upheaval, you might need to take time off work to recover or spend money on medical treatment. Compensation will help to alleviate the stress you feel about your finances and offer you some more stability.
Accept and seek out additional support for your mental and physical wellbeing.
Alongside talking to your boss about extra support at work, making sure you have support out of hours is important too.
The reasons why talking therapy works is because it gives you a safe space to process your feelings in a non-judgmental environment. This will help you to deal with the mental side of your recovery and help to remove the tension and stress put upon your friends and family to help you feel better.


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