3DVinci Creations Center for 3D Printing at the AUD

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3DVinci Creations Center for 3D Printing at the AUD

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The American University in Dubai (AUD) has announced the establishment of a scientific research center (the Center) for three-dimensional printing of concrete buildings, the first of its kind in the Middle East. It will be built on the AUD campus. 3DVinci Creations will provide the 3D printer for the Center.
A cooperation agreement was signed between the American University in Dubai, Arabtec Construction Company, 3DVinci Creations, a 3D printing company, and Robert Bird Group, a global engineering consultancy firm.
The Center aims to create a consortium of academic, industry, and government entities who are interested in the development and implementation of innovative processes, products, materials, and business models in the rapidly growing 3D Concrete Printing and Digital Construction with focus on regional (GCC and MENA) needs and requirements. Furtheromore, the university will work with state officials to promote a 3D printing culture in the field of construction.
The Center will also serve university students and faculty members at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and a number of researchers from Arabtec, Robert Bird, and 3DVinci Creations. As well as work on the development and adoption of specifications for 3D printing processes for the benefit of the community.
Dr. Steve Franklin, Interim President of the University, praised the role of 3DVinci Creations in equipping the Center with a 3D printer.
On his part, Dr. Imad Hoballah, Provost and Chief Academic Officer of AUD, confirmed that the Center is the first of its kind in the Middle East to undertake specialized research in this field. The participants will create innovative materials. tools and business models in this fast-evolving industry to meet the needs of the Gulf region and the Middle East. The University will seek to build partnerships with the private and public sector within these domains.
Edouard Baaklini, CEO of 3DVinci Creations, stated “With this cooperation agreement, we aim to perform strategic analyses of the present and future capabilities of 3D Concrete Printing and of digitally-driven construction systems. The Center will work with local regulatory bodies to develop newly updated building codes that pertain to 3D printed buildings and structures. We will also develop cost models of 3D Printed Concrete buildings and structures together with tools for value analysis vis-à-vis traditional construction methodologies.”
During the upcoming years, The Center plans to develop and administer educational and training workshops/seminars in 3D concrete printing for the local and regional communities.


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