Mathson joins PROSOCO as account manager

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Mathson joins PROSOCO as account manager

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PROSOCO has hired Alley Mathson as its new strategic account manager. Mathson will work directly with decision makers from national firms to provide technical product support on projects, including product demonstrations and trainings for current and new customers.
Mathson joins PROSOCO with a wide range of professional skills and experience. Most recently, she spent five years as the technical sales manager for CETCO’s below-grade, green roof and plaza deck waterproofing systems.
She will travel extensively but be based out of Flower Mound, Texas.
“We are very excited to have an individual like Alley on board with us,” said Brian Koenings, head of strategic partnerships for PROSOCO. “She’s a highly skilled communicator with experience in construction materials and specifications. She can make an impact for our customers immediately. She’ll bring focus to multi-location, national accounts and make sure all of their needs are met in order to achieve mutual success on projects.”
Contact Alley Mathson at
Based in Lawrence, Kan., PROSOCO is a national manufacturer of products for cleaning, protecting and maintaining concrete; making building envelopes air- and water-tight; and cleaning, protecting and restoring new and existing masonry buildings. We strive to provide innovative products and services that improve the appearance and performance of our built environment. Since our founding in 1939, we’ve fostered a reputation across the nation and internationally as a company that goes above and beyond for our customers in every way possible. | 800 255 4255


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