American Time Maintenance Hero Contest Winner

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American Time Maintenance Hero Contest Winner

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American Time, a market leader in integrated time solutions, has announced the winner of its first-ever Maintenance Hero Contest. Elmer Gable, maintenance director at Kingsway Christian School in Orrville, Ohio was the grand prize winner. Gail Good, custodian at Carter’s Valley Elementary School in Church Hill, Tennessee and Kevin Bowles, lead maintenance at Windsor High School in Windsor, Colorado were the runners-up.
Mr. Gable’s selection was based on the number and quality of his nominations. Nominators noted his strong sense of service, technical skill, willingness to go above and beyond without complaint, and his community involvement. Mr. Gable’s mentorship of children inside and outside of school is making a significant difference in their lives.
Ms. Good’s nominators noted her enthusiasm and positivity, incredible work ethic, and ability to build relationships with students. Those relationships are mutual, as evidenced by some students offering to do her yard work! One nominator wrote, “She means more to this faculty than she will ever know.”
Mr. Bowles was nominated by school staff as well as by outside school contractors. They noted his exceptional professionalism, skills and compassion he shows students. Several nominators with decades of experience working in or with school said that Mr. Bowles stands out.
As the grand prize winner, Mr. Gable earned $3,000 in American Time product credit for Kingsway Christian School. Ms. Good and Mr. Bowles each earned their schools $1,000 product credit.
“We were blown away by the quality and number of nominations we received,” noted George Wilkes, president of American Time. “Across this country and across industries, maintenance workers who typically receive little recognition are literally changing the lives of the people around them for the better. Mr. Gable, Ms. Good and Mr. Bowles are making exceptional differences in their community because of their skills, character and kindness.”
The Maintenance Hero contest was open to any organization in any industry – private, public, nonprofit, educational or others – that wished to nominate a valued maintenance professional who routinely goes above and beyond in the workplace but receives little recognition for their efforts.
About American Time
From clock parts for repairs to complete timekeeping systems for the largest corporations in the world to a presence in many of the K-12 districts in the U.S., American Time is the recognized leader in the manufacturing of integrated, custom timekeeping and notification systems. It offers the new EverAlert communication and emergency notification system for schools, Wi-Fi network clocks, Power over Ethernet (PoE) clocks, battery and digital clocks, as well as a master controller clock with the ability to run on a legacy wired system concurrently with a new wireless clock system. For more information, visit


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