Bostik Wood Floor Design Competition Winners

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Bostik Wood Floor Design Competition Winners

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Bostik, Inc., a world leader in specialty adhesives and installation systems for building construction, has announced the winner of its Bostik’s Signature Spaces™ design competition: THE ART OF HARDWOOD FLOORING™ DESIGN CONTEST. Scott Banda, Bostik’s Director of Marketing and Business Development stated, “We were pleased to receive many exceptional designs. Our esteemed panel of judges made the decision to select the work of Jennifer Sheets, an interior designer at Studio R Interiors, a Colorado-based firm specializing in hospitality design and procurement.”
Sheets’ winning design is slated to be installed this month in a new steakhouse within Las Vegas’ new Park MGM Resort, currently under development by MGM Resorts International and Sydell Group. Additionally, she will receive a wonderful trip for two to Paris, France, courtesy of Bostik. Jennifer stated, “I’ve been fortunate to be in this industry for ten years, with a wide range of various commercial and hospitality projects that I designed and/or managed from concept to completion, and this is by far one of my most exciting achievements!”
When asked about her vision for the winning design entry, she replied, “My concept for the Bostik’s Signature Spaces Contest was inspired by the Art Noir movement; interlocking geometric shapes and stylized symmetry which was specified in the contest guidelines as a prerequisite of the project. The pattern depicts an array of interchanging shapes that harmoniously fit within a symmetrical medallion. I created my “Array” design to complement, as well as enhance, the herringbone featured floors throughout the main restaurant space.”
For the competition, Bostik has partnered with the National Wood Flooring Association, MGM Resorts International, Oshkosh Designs and Eagle Bay Hardwood Flooring.
Oshkosh Designs, the Wisconsin-based firm, which crafts exquisite hardwood medallions, wood floor borders and designer parquet flooring, just completed transforming Sheet’s winning design into a “ready-for-installation reality.” According to President/CEO Brenda Kubasta, “This is a great opportunity for Oshkosh Designs. The final installation will be a visual masterpiece… and, we were up to the challenge of producing world-class wood flooring that is in synch with the overall theme of the restaurant. We are so proud to be featuring our premium craftsmanship for this ultra-high visibility, hospitality space!”
Eagle Bay Hardwood Flooring, the exclusive brand produced by Delta Hardwood Flooring of Boonville, New York, was selected to provide wood flooring material for the remainder of the restaurant to complement the lobby work of Oshkosh Designs. The commercial-grade product chosen meets intricate specifications set forth by the venue’s design firm, MBDS (Martin Brudnizki Design Studios) of London and New York. According to Randy Bowers, President/Founder of Delta/Eagle
Bay, “After producing wood flooring for a decade as OEM/private label suppliers, we decided to debut our new brand as Eagle Bay. It’s a great opportunity to introduce a company that’s been around for over ten years with a product from this finely crafted, American hardwood collection! We’re excited to be part of Bostik’s program!”
The entire restaurant’s flooring will be installed with Bostik materials, including Ultra-Set® SingleStep2™, premium high-performance adhesive, moisture control and sound reduction membrane. MasterCraft Floors, the commercial flooring installation firm, known for delivering complex and visually stimulating projects throughout Las Vegas, will be in charge of the restaurant’s floor installation. Garrett Ulfig, West Coast Operations Manager of MasterCraft Floors, stated, “We’re excited about working on this high profile project. In the past, we’ve worked successfully with MGM Resorts… we’re grateful they acknowledge the quality of our work. And, we’re equally pleased that Bostik is so involved in this project, as with any wood flooring project opportunity, we prefer working with Bostik’s installation products.
Jennifer Sheets, who also was a finalist in the 2016 Design ‘N Gather Mosaic Design Award Competition, co-sponsored by Bostik and Artaic Innovative Mosaic, declared, “I feel honored to be selected as a winner of the Bostik Signature Spaces contest. Bostik continues to excite and challenge designers with their creative products and imaginative vision.
About Bostik, Inc.
Bostik is a leading global adhesive specialist in industrial, construction and consumer markets. For more than a century, it has been developing innovative adhesive solutions that are smarter and more adaptive to the forces that shape daily lives. From cradle to grave, from home to office, Bostik’s smart adhesives can be found everywhere. With annual sales of €1.6 billion, the company employs 4,900 people and has a presence in more than 50 countries. For the latest information, visit
For more information, contact Chris Eichman. Marketing Communications Manager, Consumer & Construction Business Unit
P) 414-607-1265 Email:


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