Overhead Door Thermacore Commercial Models

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Overhead Door Thermacore Commercial Models

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Overhead Door, one of the leading manufacturers of doors and openers for residential, commercial, industrial and transportation applications, has introduced a new Impact Section for its commercial and industrial Sectional Steel and Thermacore® door models. The impact-resistant door section replaces the door’s bottom section to help protect it from forklift damage and other warehouse traffic.
“Industrial doors are susceptible to repeated impact by forklifts that can cause significant damage, potentially shutting down a loading dock for days,” said Russ Lowe, Sectional Commercial Door Product Manager of Overhead Door. “Overhead Door’s new Impact Section reduces costly downtime for our warehouse customers and minimizes return calls for our installers, making it an excellent solution to protect the most vulnerable part of a door.”
The Impact Sections are made of an expanded polystyrene core surrounded by a rugged composite skin and can be installed on Overhead Door’s durable Sectional Steel insulated models (418, 422, 426, 432) and non-insulated models (416, 420, 424, 430), as well as on the steel-polyurethane-steel panel Thermacore® models (591, 592, 596, 599).
The sections are available in 21” and 24” heights with widths ranging from 8’2” to 16’2” in one-foot increments. The sections are adjustable to suit multiple door thicknesses and include hinge and section adapters that provide a customizable fit.
“Replacing a traditional bottom section with Overhead Door’s Impact Section is an easy installation process and is far less expensive for end users than replacing an entire new sectional door,” added Lowe. “With the Impact Section in place, our customers have the peace of mind knowing that the section will provide protection from damage while minimizing the costs of energy loss and door replacement.” 
About Overhead Door
Overhead Door, a division of Overhead Door Corporation, is one of the most trusted brands of garage doors and garage door openers in the United States. Overhead Door’s dedicated network of more than 400 Red Ribbon Distributors across North America provide superior service and expertise to consumers. The brand is easily recognized by its iconic Red Ribbon logo and “The Genuine. The Original.” slogan. For additional information, visit www.overheaddoor.com.


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