How to Renovate a Retail Space to Attract More Customers

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How to Renovate a Retail Space to Attract More Customers

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Online shopping took the world by storm, only for classic brick and mortar stores to slowly make it back to trends. It’s easy to tell why. While online shopping is convenient, nothing compares to the feeling of therapy you get while walking around malls.

Besides, you’d like to try things on first, feel the quality and avoid unpleasant surprises, which are more and more common these days as some sellers hide important details. Sure, you could always return something, but it’s just so much hassle.

These being said, business owners these days pay more attention to their retail spaces in order to make their businesses more appealing. With these aspects in mind, here are a few ideas on how to renovate a retail space to attract more clientele.

Maximize the Space

A full renovation shouldn’t always be done to renew old and dysfunctional features, but also to maximize the space. If you have a small or medium place, having everything by the wall and a big gap in the middle may not always be the best idea.

Instead, how about coming up with a small maze for the opportunity to introduce more shelves? This approach not only increases product display capacity but also creates an engaging shopping journey for customers. Of course, it depends on what you sell and how large your items are. Basically, you need to keep the shelves as limited as possible in terms of width.

On the same note, do your clients usually get shopping trolleys? How large are they? Ideally, there should be enough space for two trolleys to go through simultaneously.

Bottom line, more products, more sales.

More Room for Merchandise

Since you get more space, that means you’ll also end up with more shelves and stacking places for products. This expanded spatial capacity offers a transformative opportunity for strategic merchandising. You can bring in more merchandise and perhaps expand certain lines of popular products. After all, a renovation should take more aspects into consideration, with the merchandise being one of them.

The experts at Blue Collar Scholars agree that a full renovation is likely to improve sales if done with an open mind, rather than just an upgrade of previous features. A forward-thinking approach considers customer flow, product visibility, and overall shopping atmosphere.

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Something New & Exciting

A newly renovated space is just as attractive. People will inevitably be drawn to checking the new place. Even your loyal customers will be eager to check in once you’re done renovating. Generally speaking, people like new things and they obviously imagine they’ll be able to find more merchandise as well.

A new design is exciting and apart from loyal clientele, expect random people to walk in too. Even if you sell the same things, most people will assume that a new shop has just opened up, so they’ll walk in to see what’s for sale.

To make things even better, you could try to bring in some special offers coming with the renovation. A new grand opening, freebies and discounts will draw instant attention.

This isn’t just an opportunity to boost sales over a short period of time. Instead, try to take advantage of the new clientele and come up with new products and offers that will make people return and become loyal.

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The Small Bits

Last, but not least, it’s worth noting the small bits coming with a renovation too. Of course, it depends on how detailed your project is.

For instance, if you decide to go behind the walls and replace the old electricity wires, you’ll end up with less risks and extra safety.

New door? Upgrade to something more advanced and you’ll benefit from higher security standards. Moreover, you could save money on your insurance as well. Opting for advanced features like smart locks and alarm systems can significantly reduce potential risks.

Upgrade the insulation and you’ll most likely benefit from lower bills too, but don’t forget to pay attention to the windows either. Energy-efficient materials and modern insulation techniques can dramatically reduce heating and cooling expenses.

While these things won’t necessarily attract new customers, they’ll definitely save you money.

Other than that, it pays off conducting renovations throughout the slow period of the year, rather than in the season. This way, you’ll minimize losses and the risk for your loyal customers to go somewhere else.

Last, but not least, you can also draw some extra interest from customers if you conduct the renovation in stages. Work with your contractor to have some products around while other parts of your space are being renovated. It will draw interest in what’s going on, so people will check in again once it’s done.

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