Efficiency in construction is up to the management team and contractors involved to make it a reality. Inefficiency is the simple truth for most construction projects. Costs are driven up. Variables that go out of control throw off the schedule. A lot can disrupt what the plan was/is for a project.
Here is how to make construction projects more efficient.
Define Deliverables Upfront
Be clear about the project scope and deliverables upfront. Ensure a clear understanding and that all stakeholders know and agree with the plan. The best place to start is with a structured framework and a shared vision.
Set Up Realistic Goals
Goals for a construction project should be achievable. Unrealistic goals will only hurt your efficiency. Contractors may start to rush, cut corners, and make mistakes, increasing their stress levels. Deliver superior performance by setting the most realistic goals for the project.
Engage in Smart Cost-Cutting
Refer to your construction accounting software for project numbers in real time. Engage in cost-cutting where you can. Trimming expenses can save the average construction project up to 30% of its budget. This relies on having the right cost estimates, schedules, and construction plans.
Use Technology
Where you can leverage the construction technology that makes sense for your company, construction accounting software, drones, BIM, and other tech assets can make a project much more efficient. If you can specialize in these and other pieces of tech, the sky’s the limit for efficiency.
Make Contingency Plans
Incorporate contingency plans into your project planning to address potential risks and delays. This keeps you flexible enough to pivot if/when needed. A contingency plan will also help you maintain the timeline given to the client, even in the face of unforeseen events.
Act Fast to Minimize Delays
Interference and delays will occur. Act quickly to make the necessary decisions to resolve them. A fast, strong resolution is preferred. Ensure it considers budget and schedule limitations.
Keep the Construction Site Organized
A clean, organized construction site improves productivity. To this extent, ensure debris is cleaned up, equipment is not left in the way, and materials are properly stored. Do not leave accidents waiting to happen. Keep an updated inventory and plan for what goes where on-site.
Establish Performance Measurements
Set KPIs to track performance at an individual and team level. Empower your team to be productive and realize construction project goals. Measure how efficient phases are coming along. If the performance is lacking, consider incentives, motivation, strengthening morale, and other strategies.
Optimize Your Communication
An efficient construction project requires effective communication at all levels. Ensure workers understand what is expected of them, work to resolve conflicts, and communicate well enough to minimize misunderstandings.
Centralize Project Collaboration
Use project management software to centralize your documents, collaboration, and project tracking. Centralizing these project components automates much of the monitoring and management. Finding out of inefficiencies can become much clearer when the data is there.
Reinforce Safety Standards
Efficiency does not come at the expense of safety. Conduct risk assessments before project phases. Use preventative measures to guard against hazards. Provide workers with safety gear and training. Monitor safety compliance, regularly inspect, and commit to prompt corrections.
Digitize and Store All Documents
Consider keeping project documents accessible in the cloud. This way, when you need to send a document to a client or project stakeholder, you know where to find it. A catalogue of documents in this context optimizes planning, operating, and managing a construction project.
Fine-Tune Procurement
Materials procurement should come from suppliers who can make timely deliveries. Automating procurement and tracking orders reduces errors and delays. To save time, opt for bulk purchases and consolidate orders where possible.
Properly Maintain Equipment
Proper maintenance of construction equipment and tools reduces the likelihood of a breakdown. There are many ways to do this, including IoT sensors and tracking. Make sure to maintain vital equipment.
Collect and Analyze Project Data
Construction projects generate mountains of data every day. Collect, sort, and analyze this data to inform you of key decisions relating to the workforce, materials, cost, schedule, and scope. Your construction accounting software and project management tools can assist with the analyses.
Monitor Resource Usage Continuously
Optimize resource allocation. Assess resource availability and work to prevent delays due to material or labour shortages. Match workers to tasks. Ensure material and equipment are available when they are required to be.
Try Prefabrication
Prefabricating building components can speed up a construction project, improve safety, and maximize quality control. Modular, prefabricated buildings are becoming more popular, and there is no comparison to on-site construction. Prefabrication is far more efficient.