All Remnants Launches Platform to Modernize Construction Industry

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All Remnants Launches Platform to Modernize Construction Industry

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All Remnants, the e-commerce platform revolutionizing how the Design/Build community connects and manages resources, is calling on vendors to join its network and maximize the value of their surplus materials, tools, and equipment. By signing up for free at All Remnants—without any subscription required—vendors can list their surplus inventory and connect with a broad network of buyers actively seeking high-quality, cost-effective materials. All Remnants’ platform offers a seamless solution that reduces waste, uses resources more wisely, and ensures that materials are fully utilized before being discarded.

The construction industry often generates significant waste. All Remnants aims to transform this dynamic by providing vendors with an easy-to-use platform that helps them turn excess materials into profit. Whether it’s construction materials, tools, or equipment, vendors can quickly list their surplus items through a simple sign-up process, tapping into a ready market of buyers.

“Circular markets are the future of construction, where waste reduction and community connection go hand in hand. At All Remnants, we help vendors turn surplus materials into revenue while promoting a sustainable, resource-efficient industry,” said Teresa Fister, Owner of All Remnants. “Our platform makes it simple to keep valuable materials in service for their full life cycle, benefiting both the environment and the bottom line.”

In addition to providing a marketplace, All Remnants has officially launched a dedicated forum to foster a stronger sense of community within the often fragmented Design/Build sector. This forum is a central hub for professionals from the design, construction, and building industries to connect, share insights, and collaborate on sustainable practices. By bringing together a scattered community, the All Remnants forum offers a space for valuable knowledge exchange and collective growth.

Benefits for Vendors:

  • Circular Economy Model: Connect with buyers who need surplus materials, tools, and equipment to extend their life cycle.
  • Free and Easy-to-Use Platform: Vendors can sign up for free, with no subscription, and quickly list surplus items on an intuitive, user-friendly platform designed for the construction industry.
  • Reduce Waste, Increase Profit: Vendors can monetize unused stock instead of letting it go to waste, while buyers can access high-quality, cost-effective resources.
  • Foster Community: Join a growing network of professionals dedicated to sustainable practices and resource optimization. The All Remnants forum is live and provides a much-needed space for the Design/Build community to connect and collaborate.

All Remnants is committed to helping the construction industry modernize through circular markets, reducing waste, and ensuring that materials stay used longer. From listing to transaction, the platform handles logistics seamlessly, allowing vendors to focus on growing their businesses.

“Our goal has always been to create more than just a marketplace. With the launch of the All Remnants forum, we are now uniting a fragmented industry by providing a space where professionals can collaborate, share ideas, and build a sustainable future together,” added Teresa Fister.

Vendors interested in joining All Remnants can sign up today for free to learn more about how the platform helps manage surplus materials and drive profitability.

Visit for more information about All Remnants and its mission to transform the construction industry.



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