5 Reasons For Waterproofing Structures

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5 Reasons For Waterproofing Structures

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Structural waterproofing is a term that is largely self-explanatory. Basically, you have to waterproof the structure and take steps to ensure that structures such as bridges and infrastructure can resist water, especially during extreme weather.

Concrete has been touted as one of the world’s most powerful and long-lasting materials used for building. However, you can only maximize its strength when you prepare and treat it properly. It’s not a perfect material, after all. And neither is it fully immortal and abiding.

In this article, we’ll explain why there is a need for waterproofing structures!

The Principle

Water infiltration can be a headache. It’s bad news, especially if you’re the one managing the building. And even more, unfortunately, water filtration comes in many forms. You’ve got the rainfall, seepage from a source, or even worse, a leak. It appears first as cosmetic damage. However, this is the part where it gets tricky.

Sometimes, at first, it shows up as cosmetic damage. However, if you ignore it and do not treat it, the whole structure weakens; its beams, roofs, and supporting structures will also be affected.

Why Waterproof?

The General Answers

The reason people waterproof (and use polyurethane waterproofing materials) is to mainly protect the structure from water. Without the necessary protection, your building and structure will deteriorate, making it easier to fall to corrosion. Hence, waterproofing your building should be paramount.

Better Durability

Waterproofing will significantly improve the durability of the structure. While there is already a foundation, waterproofing helps reinforce the structure and shields the underlay reinforcement steel from further damage by water itself and the damage accrued from moisture. As a result, your building will have a significantly longer lifespan.

Health Hazards

Water itself is just one part of the whole shebang. Water ingress can lead to bigger and more harmful problems to health, such as damp and humid environments. This is caused by water ingress. Damp and humid environments can also result in the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other dangerous microorganisms, causing problems and difficulties for those with allergies and respiratory conditions.

Furthermore, waterproofing reduces moisture, leading to better air quality. This means it’s a safer environment for those with health problems, especially respiratory issues.

Save Cost and Energy

Waterproofing can reduce energy costs by preventing moisture from infiltrating the structure. Usually, when moisture seeps into a building, it can result in more expenses as money will be spent trying to handle the moisture.

Structural Integrity

One method for waterproofing is using Bentonite, a clay that smells when exposed to water. This clay creates a waterproof barrier and embraces and reinforces the structure. However, the material itself has limited choices for repairs or replacements.

Better Property Value

If you waterproof a building, then it’s as good as futureproofed! If you plan to resell it, you’ve made a good move; it will have a stronger chance of having a higher resale value as it is deemed a ‘safe’ investment.

Wrapping Up

Waterproofing is a great move that can futureproof and protect your building. As climate change continues, we must keep up with it and protect our buildings, thanks to techniques like waterproofing. It’s not only an act of protection – but also an act that can benefit other people, too.

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