Construction Site Hazards: Trapped Between Accidents

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Construction Site Hazards: Trapped Between Accidents

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A caught between accident, also known as a “pinched” or “compaction” accident, occurs when a worker becomes trapped or crushed between two objects, pieces of equipment, or collapsing materials.

Caught between accidents are classified among the “fatal four” in construction, alongside falls, electrocutions, and struck-by hazards.

The consequences of these accidents can leave you in a condition that you might never fully recover from. If you’ve been a victim of such an accident, construction accident lawyers can help you fight for compensation.

Major Causes Of Caught Between Accidents

Construction sites are often bustling with activity. There’s a constant movement of heavy machinery, materials, and workers.

These accidents can occur in a variety of ways on construction sites. Here are some of the most common causes:

Falling objects

Workers lifting or moving materials can be struck by falling objects. This could be due to improper lifting techniques, overloaded slings, or unsecured loads.

Heavy machinery

Construction sites often involve heavy equipment like cranes, forklifts, and bulldozers. Workers can become pinned between these machines or between the machine and another object.

Trench collapses

Trench collapses are a serious risk, especially if proper excavation procedures are not followed. Workers in the trench can be buried under tons of earth and debris.


Similar to trench collapses, cave-ins can happen during excavations or demolition projects. These can trap or crush workers underneath heavy debris.

Falling through openings

Unguarded floor openings, scaffolding collapses, or missing railings can all lead to falls where workers get crushed between the ground and another object.

Moving vehicles

Construction sites often have a mix of vehicles, such as trucks, forklifts, and haul trucks. Workers on foot can be caught between these vehicles and other objects on the site.

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Unsafe work practices

Cutting corners or taking unnecessary risks to meet deadlines can be disastrous. For example, trying to move a heavy object without enough manpower or failing to secure a trench properly could result in a caught between accident.

Faulty equipment

Defective machinery or poorly maintained equipment can malfunction, increasing the risk of accidents. Employers are responsible for ensuring all equipment is safe and functional before use.

Consequences of a Caught-Between Accident

The consequences of a caught between accident can be devastating, and even fatal. Here are the most common injuries a victim is likely to suffer:

Workers can suffer a wide range of injuries, including:

  • Amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • internal injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Psychological trauma
  • Nerve damage
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Scarring
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Fractures
  • Paralysis
  • Death

Who Is Most Likely To Become A Victim Of A Caught Between Accidents?

While any construction worker can be a victim of a caught between accident, certain groups are at higher risk:

  • New or inexperienced workers: Workers who haven’t received proper training on safety protocols and hazard identification are more susceptible to accidents.
  • Workers in high-risk jobs: Jobs involving lifting heavy objects, working in trenches, or operating heavy machinery pose a higher risk of getting caught between objects.
  • Rushed or overworked workers: Fatigue and pressure to meet deadlines can lead to carelessness and increase the risk of accidents.

Wrapping Up: How A Lawyer Can Help

If you find yourself a victim of a caught between accident, you should reach out to a lawyer immediately after you’ve received medical attention. A lawyer will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the accident. They’ll examine the site’s existing safety protocols and analyze accident reports.

If there were witnesses to the accident, these lawyers will question them and have them ready to make a statement if the case goes to court.

Depending on the circumstances, liability could fall on a general contractor, subcontractor, equipment manufacturer, or even a negligent co-worker. A competent lawyer will analyze the situation and decide which party to sue for compensation.

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