Havwoods New Painted Pine Plank Flooring

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Havwoods New Painted Pine Plank Flooring

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Authentic aged timber is not only visually inspiring but breathes new life to contemporary environments. That’s why Havwoods, a UK-based hardwood flooring company just debuting in the U.S. and Canada, came up with a unique solution to capitalize on this interior design trend with the North American debut of the Relik collection’s Organic Painted Pine plank.
Exceeding architectural and interior design demands with a commitment to beauty, innovation and style, the Organic Painted Pine plank is comprised reclaimed plank—genuine reclaimed timber made into engineered boards. Sourced from across the world, these innovative hardwood planks can be used on floors, walls, ceiling, doors, furniture and even lighting, everywhere from private residences to restaurants. 
One of the most striking planks in the Relik collection, the Organic Painted Pine plank (shown below) showcases a painted finish that offers a “wow” factor for interior designers looking for an edgy
look. This collection is ideal for creating a storied yet modern look
More information at www.havwoodsusa.com.


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