Luxury Real Estate May Be This Economy’s Best Investment

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Luxury Real Estate May Be This Economy’s Best Investment

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Luxury living is not simply about money invested; luxury living is the richness of the experience, which cannot be measured by a price tag alone. It’s about location, architectural design, and custom amenities — it’s all in the execution of every detail. During this time of economic unpredictability, when a dozen eggs are considered a luxury item, real estate investors tend to get a little skittish when words like “recession” and “inflation” are bandied about day after day.

In point of fact, there isn’t so much a real estate crisis as there is an inflationary crisis, which means the value of all goods and services is increasing. When investors come to realize this, they invest in real estate to protect their assets from the devaluation caused by inflation. According to Luxury Portfolio International, luxury buyers are better able to adjust to global economic and social fluctuations than the average population.(1) Luxury real estate is still regarded as a top investment strategy for long-term financial security and a better hedge against inflation than the stock market.(2)

Florida – The Hottest Real Estate Market

Zillow rated Tampa, Florida, as the premier housing market for 2022, based on the number of potential buyers, scarcity of homes, property sales, and a booming job market, with home values anticipated to continue growing at a record pace.(3) According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Vintage 2022 national and state population estimates, Florida was the fastest-growing state, with an annual population increase of 1.9% from 2020 to 2022, resulting in a total resident population of 22,244,823.(4) Lower sales taxes, property taxes, corporate income taxes, no state tax, top-rated schools, a robust economy, and an abundance of career opportunities are just a few reasons for the Florida real estate explosion.

A Top Destination for the Well-to-Do

Many of those migrating from the Northeast are bringing their wealth with them; in 2022, there was a net influx of 20,263 high-income households, those with an income of over $200,000 annually.(5) The Tampa Bay Times reviewed property records for commercial real estate in Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco counties and found that the 20 highest-grossing sales brought in more than $2 billion.(6) The Gulf Coast of Florida is becoming synonymous with luxury living, replete with striking architectural designs that reflect the made-to-order elegance that is so alluring to those seeking a better quality of life.

High-Demand Amenities

Newly-ensconced and native Florida residents seeking the finest in luxury living are interested in amenities that satisfy their desire for the perfect work/life balance — high-tech security, co-working spaces; on-site restaurants, bars, and coffee shops; valet services; fitness and wellness centers; pet-friendly spaces; secure parking; and access to exclusive features like private docks for those living close to a marina.

But the most important amenity is creating unique and high-design spaces. Luxury buyers are tired of the trite and cookie-cutter amenities and finishes. Providing curated options to choose from, as well as upgraded options, becomes one of the most sought-after amenities — the freedom to choose. Luxury is in the details — every detail.

About Moisés Agami, CEO, Valor Capital

Photo Courtesy Valor Capital

Entrepreneur Moisés Agami took his first company public at the age of 25. His global businesses are built on cutting-edge technology, like Valor Capital, which was formed in 2010, when Agami incorporated his technological and quality-assurance acumen to team up with a group of entrepreneurs who have a four-decade history of real estate developments with tens of millions of square feet in office, hospitality, medical, commercial and luxury residential product offerings. Valor Capital has truly revolutionized the industry with its “safety and wellness-based” engineering, focusing on building design features that maximize personal well-being. Agami enjoys finding real estate “gems” that are not currently on the monetizing radar of the average real estate mogul. He has facilitated several high-profile luxury projects along the Gulf Coast of Florida with future sights set on North Carolina and Texas, where he can lead the way for other developers and entrepreneurs.

*Featured Image Source Courtesy: Valor Capital


  1. Luxury home market not exempt from inventory shortages. Livabl. (2023, January 18). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
  2. Altneu, M. (2022, November 2). Luxury real estate is a top investment – BAM. BAM – The Key To Surviving Real Estate. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
  3. Yahoo! (n.d.). Real estate: Why Tampa suddenly has the hottest housing market in the U.S. Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from,their%20fastest%20pace%20this%20year
  4. Bureau, U. S. C. (2022, December 27). Growth in U.S. population shows early indication of recovery amid covid-19 pandemic. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
  5. ago, P. 8/23/2022 U. 6 months. (n.d.). Florida is #1 destination for high net worth Americans at four times higher than any other state – Florida trend. Florida Trend | Florida’s Business Authority. Retrieved March 2, 2023, from
  6. Tampa Bay real estate raked in billions this year. check out the top sales. Tampa Bay Times. (n.d.). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from


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