Five Things Every Remote Vacation Home Needs

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Five Things Every Remote Vacation Home Needs

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For a lot of us, we dream of buying a house in the woods, in the desert, or in the mountains. We dream of a wide-open field that we own. We dream of peace of mind. Humans in general crave open spaces where we can empty our minds. If this is your dream, a remote getaway–a place to escape the rigors of everyday life and business–is at the top of your goal list. However, property in the middle of nowhere takes work and dedication. If you are willing to put the time and effort in, it is endlessly rewarding. Below are five things that every remote home needs.

Security System

When you live in a remote place, you are safer than living in the city. Still, it’s necessary to make sure your family is free of harm. Living in a remote place makes it so people will take longer to get to you. It makes it more likely that criminals will think they can get away with the crime they want to commit. Avoid all of this and install a great security system with video and audio surveillance. You need cameras and a system that sends out alerts to you and the authorities when a break-in occurs. Whether you’re trying to find solitude or not, every home in a remote area needs a good security system.

Good Lighting

Along with a good security system, you need good lighting. You don’t just need good lighting for security, you also need it to see what you’re doing at night. If you live in a remote place with few lights around, you will need to provide good lighting. Luckily, there are companies that specialize in this sort of thing like this lighting company in Denver for example. These lighting companies understand you need bright lights and other softer ones when you live in a remote place. Another great idea is to make sure you have a spot or two for campfires when you need them. This will also require enough space for outdoor activities.

Outdoor Space

Every remote home needs outdoor space to do stuff you enjoy. Do you have dogs? You’ll want them to be able to run around and expel their energy. If you have other animals, a horse stable or chicken coop could come in handy. When you have enough space around your home, you will get to use it for everything that you dreamt of. Put in a pool, a hot tub, or both. Find yourself in the home of your dreams by creating your own world. If you don’t have recreational space, why do you have a remote home in the first place?

Land to Use

Beyond the recreational space around your home, if you can afford to buy enough land that goes further than your space for activities you can put it to use. You also need to understand and utilize your land to its best capabilities. You can create a side business or something you do in retirement. You can plant a garden or get some cattle. You can train horses. Imagine having access to fishing on a hike from your home. While land is getting more expensive, if you can afford a few acres or more in a remote place you should think about what you can do with it. Land is an investment.

Connection to Utilities

Finally, perhaps the most important thing of all is to make sure your home has access to utilities. Whether you are trying to set up a home in the furthest reaches of an area or just want enough space away from the neighbors, you should be sure that you have solid connections to power and water. You’ll be happy you did the due diligence when you have both during a natural disaster.

When it comes to creating your dream home in a remote landscape, there are many things you need to think about. That’s okay. It’s what it takes to create your own piece of paradise. Anything good takes hard work. When you commit to making your perfect place, it doesn’t come without sacrifice. It’s one of the best things about life. You need basics in your remote home like utilities, land, space, lighting, and security. If you do everything you need to do, you will create an amazing home in a remote, wild, beautiful place.


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