Top 4 Benefits of Using 3D Software For Earthwork Take-offs

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Top 4 Benefits of Using 3D Software For Earthwork Take-offs

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If you’re looking for a more efficient and accurate way to calculate the amount of earthwork needed for construction projects, you’ve come to the right place. Your answer might lie in 3D software. 3D software is one of the most reliable ways to predict and measure how much material needs to be moved during a project.

With its range of features, 3D software can provide earthwork take-offs that are quicker, simpler, more precise — and cost less than traditional methods. In this blog post, we will discuss how using 3D software for earthwork take-offs can save you time and money while helping you achieve better results on the job. Keep reading to learn about the top four benefits you can experience when incorporating digital technology into your surveying workflow with Affordable Site Model, Inc.

1. Increased Plan Accuracy & Accuracy In The Field

One of the best parts about using 3D software for earthwork take-offs is that it leads to greater plan accuracy and accuracy in the field. Rather than relying on manual methods like rulers, protractors, and basic extents, 3D software allows you to measure exact distances, angles, and other measurements before you even head to the job site.

That way, when you get there, you can rest assured that your project follows the plans exactly as intended. 3D software makes it easy to adjust absolute coordinates quickly and accurately if a measurement needs updating or correcting while in the field. It’s an efficient process that saves time while ensuring higher accuracy throughout each earthwork project.

2. Lower Surveying Costs

Another significant advantage of 3D software is that it eliminates the need for costly surveying services. With 3D software, contractors can do much of their measuring and mapping work at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional surveying methods. This saves time and money in both pre-construction planning and during construction itself.

3. More Efficient Machine Operation

By creating an accurate plan with 3D software before starting a job, contractors can plan exactly where machines should dig or move the earth ahead of time. This means less guesswork onsite and more efficient machine operation overall, leading to faster project completion times and lower fuel costs due to fewer unnecessary machine movements during construction work.

4. Lower Raw Materials & Labor Costs

Since projects completed with 3D software are typically more accurately planned than those without, contractors can purchase fewer raw materials since they know precisely how much they need before purchasing them—which reduces waste in both materials and labor costs since workers won’t have to spend time correcting mistakes made due to inaccurate estimations or calculations made before construction work commencing.    

Benefits Of 3D Software For Earthwork Take-Offs: Wrap Up

As you can see from our list above, there are many benefits associated with using 3D software for earthwork take-offs—from increased accuracy both in plans created before construction as well as accuracy maintained throughout construction work itself, to lower surveying costs.

You’ll also experience more efficient machine operation and lower raw material & labor costs in general—which all contribute towards higher profits for contractors who choose this method over others available today. Remember these benefits when making your next decision regarding earthwork take-offs planning.


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