5 Benefits of Adding A Block Paving Driveway To Your Home

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5 Benefits of Adding A Block Paving Driveway To Your Home

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A truly valuable asset to any home, an attractive and professionally installed driveway doesn’t just have an aesthetic purpose, but a functional one, too.

If your home doesn’t have a well-maintained block paving driveway, entering and exiting your home may be tricky (whether on foot or in a vehicle), especially in bad weather, and there could be issues with water pooling close to your entrance or it could simply turn into a muddy, slippery mess. From an aesthetic viewpoint, there’s nothing quite like a block paving driveway to make a home look more appealing and inviting, and if you’re trying to sell your home – or plan to do so in the future – it could be a significant selling point and even add value to your home.

What is a block paving driveway?

A block paving driveway is constructed using blocks or paving stones laid out in a uniform pattern to create a solid, sturdy, and smooth surface.

Made from natural stone, a block paving driveway doesn’t need to be sealed regularly to prevent damage like gravel and concrete, meaning that it will be easier to maintain, and will look good and perform well, for many years to come.

As such, block paving driveways in Derby are highly sought after, and with these 5 benefits, it’s little wonder:

  1. It’s affordable

When it comes to having a driveway constructed from scratch, block paving is by far the most affordable option.

  1. Aesthetically pleasing

When installed by a professional company, a block paving driveway can add elegance and sophistication to a property, and along with making it more accessible, make it look more appealing overall.

  1. Block paving driveways in Loughborough are sustainable

With its ability to be reused or recycled, if necessary, block paving is actually a very sustainable option for constructing driveways from.

  1. It’s durable

Renowned for their durability, block paving driveways can last for many, many years when maintained appropriately.

  1. Block paving is versatile

Able to be used for a variety of types and styles of driveway, such as straight or curved, and for car parking spaces, for example, block paving is highly versatile.

How to care for your block paving driveway

No matter how good a job your chosen paving company make of it, your driveway will only ever fulfil its potential and live its longest life, if you care for it appropriately. Here are a few simple tips for maintaining your block paving driveway:

  • Don’t allow debris, leaves or any other garden waste to become embedded in the paving by sweeping it away regularly
  • With a hose, regularly clean off grime or stains
  • If you have a build-up of moss or dirt after a number of years, you can use a pressure cleaner to get rid of it
  • For oil or fuel spillages, soak them up with kitchen paper or rags before using detergent to remove them safely and effectively

With regular but simple maintenance, your block paving driveway will last you well for many, many years, and provided you choose an experienced company to construct it, it will enhance your home and make it far more appealing to buyers should you decide to sell it.



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