Ohio Valley Flooring and Schönox met at Surfaces 2022 and announce their distribution partnershIp at Surfaces 2023

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Ohio Valley Flooring and Schönox met at Surfaces 2022 and announce their distribution partnershIp at Surfaces 2023

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Schönox HPS North America and Ohio Valley Flooring announce a strategic partnership to provide Schönox subfloor product technologies, training, and support across Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania.  Representatives from the two companies first met at the 2022 Surfaces show, found common ground culturally, and began discussions of how best to work together.

“The flooring industry and most certainly Ohio Valley Flooring are built on relationships developed with daily, shared customer successes – the Schönox team understands that, making this a strong partnership,” explained Jud Hurt, President, Ohio Valley Flooring.  “Together, we will offer the complete flooring product solutions set, carefully addressing all subfloor issues, including the associated need for support so critical for flooring professionals and their business growth.”

A locally-owned and operated family business, Ohio Valley Flooring’s reach and distribution strength make it one of the largest US flooring distributors, serving its retail and dealer customer base with locations in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Pittsburgh as well as a 460,000 square foot primary warehouse in Mason, OH.

“Ohio Valley Flooring’s forward-leaning movement within commercial segments, their strong presence in the company’s geographic markets, and its well-respected culture and expertise make this partnership ideal, positioning both Ohio Valley Flooring and Schönox for outstanding growth together,” commented Mike Penney, Senior Vice President of Sales, Schönox HPS North America.

Strategic planning, product training, and market rollout discussions began with meetings at both company’s headquarters locations.  “The team approach with Schönox has been impressive as we work closely, considering opportunities and how best to service customers across commercial, multifamily, and other sectors,” said Hurt.  Ohio Valley flooring will provide the full Schönox line across primer, moisture, repair, leveling, and adhesive solutions.

“The onboarding process provided critical insights and information for Schönox and Ohio Valley Flooring, positioning the partnership for long term success,” explained Jennifer Kennedy, Distribution Support Manager, Schönox HPS North America.  “This partnership hits the ground running, informed and strategically aligned for customer service and growth of all stakeholders.”

About Schönox

Schönox HPS North America, Inc., a business unit of TMT America, Inc., is a customer-oriented, entrepreneurial, high-tech company, specializing in subfloor solutions for new construction, as well as renovation and occupied spaces.  Our innovative products include primers and moisture mitigation systems, subfloor repair products, floor-leveling compounds, adhesives, and waterproofing materials for installing floor coverings.  For more information about Schönox, contact the Marketing Department by emailing marketing@hpsubfloors.com, calling toll free 855.391.2649, or visiting hpsubfloors.com.


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